Description and Objectives:
This course provides students an insight of the principles of waves as carriers of energy including sound and optical waves mainly. This course also provides the students with a broad understanding of the physical principles of the oscillations, to help them develop critical thinking and quantitative reasoning skills, to empower them to think creatively and critically about scientific problems and experiments.
S.H.M & its applications, Energy consideration in SHM, SHM & uniform circular motion, combinations of Harmonic motion, Damped harmonic oscillator, Forced Oscillation, Driven harmonic oscillator, Resonance, Mechanical Waves, Traveling waves, wave speed , linear wave equation, Power & intensity in wave motion, Principle of superposition, standing waves, Interference of waves, Beats, Doppler effect & its applications, Supersonic and Shock waves, Nature of light , Measurement of speed of light by Roemer’s and Fizeau’s methods, Reflection, Refraction, Huygens’s principle and its applications to reflection and refraction , Fermat’s principle, Conditions for interference, Young’s double slit experiment, Intensity distribution in double slit interference pattern, adding waves using phasor, interference from thin film, Introduction to diffraction pattern, Single slit diffraction pattern, Intensity in single slit diffraction pattern using phasor, diffraction at circular aperture, diffraction grating, x-ray Diffraction, Polarization by selective absorption, Reflection, Double Refraction, scattering & optical activity.
Recommended Books:
Sessional: 20 Marks
Project: NIL
Presentation: NIL
Participation: NIL
Mid Term Exam: 30 Marks
Final exam: 50 Marks
85% class attendance