Course title: Relativity and Cosmology. Course Code: PHYS-6129

Credit Hours: 3 hrs (M.Sc-Semester IV. BS-Semester VIII)

Instructor: Dr. Bilal Rasul. Email:- [email protected]

The course titled Relativity and Cosmology is intended for students enrolling for B.S (4 years) and M.Sc (2 years) in Physics. It demonstrates the firm logical, philosophical and physical basis of relative motion and gravity by showing how the observations and measurements of particle’s parameters change. This course also provides the students with a broad understanding of the physical principles of the Gravity, Spacetime Curvature, Blackholes, Tidal Forces and others, to help them develop critical thinking and quantitative reasoning skills.

Recommended Books:

  • Dynamics and Relativity, by W.D.McComb, Oxford University Press, (1999).
  • Introduction to Cosmology, by J.V.Narlikar, Cambridge University Press, (1989).
  • Introducing Einstein’s Relativity, by R.D.D’Inverno, Oxford University Press, (1992).
  • The Special Theory of Relativity by D. Bohm. Routledge (2009).
  • General Theory of Relativity by P. M. Dirac. John Wiley and Sons (1975).
  • Theory of Relativity based on Physical Reality by L. Janossy Academia Kiado, Budapest (1971).
  • Relativity Demystified D. MacMohan Mc Graw-Hill (2006).
  • Dynamics and Relativity by J. R. Forshaw and A. G. Smith. John Wiley and Sons (2009).  


  • Assignment (Numerical Problems and Articles) before mid term = 10 Marks
  • Assignment (Numerical Problems and Articles) after mid term = 10 Marks


  • Sessional: 20 Marks, Project: NIL, Presentation: NIL, Participation:  NIL

    Mid Term Exam: 30 Marks

    Final exam: 50 Mark


BS VIII (Reg): Monday-Tuesday-0830-1000 hrs

BS VIII (SS): Monday-Tuesday-1530-1700 hrs

BS VIII (Ex PPP): Wednesday-Thursday-1530-1700 hrs

M.Sc. IV (Reg): Thursday-Friday-0930-1100 hrs

M.Sc IV (SS): Wednesday, 1330-1500, Friday-1530-1700


Course Material