The Capstone Project is an opportunity for participants to put their leadership competencies into practice. Capstone Project allows the student to identify and develop a project that puts into practice the leadership skills and competencies learned during the courses of study. In Capstone Project I students are working in a group form and finalize the Project Proposal. On approval of Project proposal from Project Coordinator group has to work on finalizing the Software Requirement Specifications. In this phase groups are utilizing the Software Engineering guidelines to finalize the Software Requirement Specifications. On finalization of Requirement documentation software Design process is initiated. In this guidelines of software design specifications are followed. By developing Project potters and videos groups can improve and sharpen their multimedia skills.  Posters and Videos competitions are held regularly to improve competition among project groups. At the end each group has to give presentation and explain in detail all the work completed during semester.


BSSE 7th Reg


BSCS 7th A



  1. Identifying Project Area
  2. Filtering and Finalizing Project
  3. Project Proposal
  4. Identifying Project Scope
  5. Finalizing project Description
  6. Non Functional Requirements
  7. Functional Requirements
  8. Identifying Project High level Plans
  9. Overall project Description
  10. System Architecture
  11. Literature Review (In case of Research base project)
  12. Software Cost, Time and Effort Estimations
  13. Identifying main use cases.
  14. Finalizing Software Development tool
  15. Project Poster Development
  16. Project Video Development



Recommended Texts

  1. Weyers, B., Bowen, J.(2017). The handbook of formal methods in human-computer interaction. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  2. Booch, G., Maksimchuk, R.(2008). Object-oriented analysis and design with applications. Boston: Addision-Wesley.


Suggested Readings

  1. Pressman, R. S. (2007). A practitioner's approach. software engineering. New York: Mc GrawHill
  2. Hoffer, J. A., Ramesh, V., & Topi, H. (2016). Modern database management. New York: Pearson.

Course Material