Governance means the managemnt of resources with accordence to given mandate. Good Governance leads to measuring how public institutions conduct public affairs and manage resources, according to public oriented objectives. This is the study of how to improve the process of decision making and the process by which decisions are implemented. It also covers cooperate, international, regional and local governance aspects. This is one of the leading courses in the study people oriented democracies. Democracy without governance is like an empty ritual, this discipline justifies it.
Intended Learning Outcomes
It enables the students to compare ineffective economies and political bodies with viable economies and political appratus.
We learn how responsible governments meet the needs of the most deprived faction of society
A better understanding develops to eradicate all kinds of corruption from a society.
The students come to know how a political system can aquire public based policies and their implementation.
It enhances the governing capabilities of the individuals.
Assessment Criteria
This course carries 03 credit hours and 100 marks for evaluation. The total marks are divided in three parts:
20 Sessional Marks, this part is further divided in four sub-parts:
05 Marks for Class Attendence, 05 Maks for Class Participation, 05 Marks for Assignment and 05 Marks for class Test.(05 x4=20). The result of sessional marks will be declared before the commencement of final term examination on the notice board of the department.
30 Marks will be for Mid-Term Examination, which will be held on the 9th week of the semester.
This paper may include both objective and subjective types questions. its result will also be declared before beginning of the final term exams and the marked copies will also be seen to students to clarify their mistakes.
50 Marks will be for Final-Term Examination
These exams will be held at the end of the semester. 15 marks will be for objective type questions and 35 marks will be for subjective type/long questions. 25% syllabus of before mid-term exams will also be included in the final term syllabus.
Class Day and Timing
This course is being offered to 7th semester students of BS Political Science. The class helds accordingly, 8-00 to 9-30 & 9.30 to11AM on Monday and Tuesday.
Recommended Book
Haq, Mehbub. Human Development: The Crisis of Governance.(Oxford University Press,1999).
Sam Agere. Promoting Good Governance: Principles, Practices and Perspectives. Published by Commonwealth Secretariate, London, U.K(2000).