Physical chemistry-II is designed for the students of MSc (2nd semester) to make the students capable of understanding in 3 important fields (Quantum Chemistry, Statistical Thermodynamics & Electrochemistry) of Physical Chemistry. The objective includes to make the students understand the foundation of Quantum Chemistry along with derivation of Schrodinger Wave Equation, interpertation of wave function and its mathematical requirements and the application of knowledge to understand the structure of atom&molecules and a  glance into sub-atomic phenomenon, properties and occurances. This basic knowledge leads further to understand the properties of molecules and their reactions. Moreover concepts of observable, functions and operator and their properties are also part of course. Statistical thermodynamics gives the knowledge about probibility, stirilings approximation, Boltzman distribution law and partition functions along with its types. Moreover,, the section of Electrochemistry includes concept of conductance of electrolytes. Debye–Huckle equation and limiting law. Ionic strength, weak electrolytes and Debye–Huckle theory. Activity and activity coefficients of electrolytic solutions. Determination of activities. Concentration cells. Determination of e.m.f. of concentration cells with and without transference. Fuel cells and hydrocarbon fuel cells etc.


A: Atomic and Molecular Structure

Schrodinger’s wave equation. Postulates of quantum theory. Operators, Eigen value, Eigen function, orthogonality and normalized wave functions. Motion of particle in three dimensional box and idea of degeneracy. Mathematical treatment of rigid rotator and calculation of bond length of simple molecule.

B: Statistical Thermodynamics

Stirling approximation. Probability. Statistical treatment of entropy. The Boltzman distribution law and partition function. Physical significance of partition function. Separation of partition function. Partition function and thermodynamics functions live internal energy and entropy. Translational, rotational, vibrational and electronic partition function and their comparison.

C: Electrochemistry

Concept of conductance of electrolytes. Debye–Huckle equation and limiting law. Ionic strength, weak electrolytes and Debye–Huckle theory. Activity and activity coefficients of electrolytic solutions. Determination of activities. Concentration cells. Determination of e.m.f. of concentration cells with and without transference. Fuel cells and hydrocarbon fuel cells.

Recommended Books

  1. Atkins, Peter & Depaula “Atkin’s Physical Chemistry”2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, England (2009).
  2. Gurdeep Raj. “Advanced Physical Chemistry” Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd. New Delhi (2010).
  3. Haq Nawaz  Bhatti, “ Modren Physical Chemistry”, Carvan Book House Lahore (2019).
  4. A.S Negi, S. Chand. “A text Book of Physical Chemistry” New Age International, (2007).
  5. Barrow G.M. "PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY" 5TH Ed. McGraw Hill, Inc. CA 1998
  6. Castellan G.W."PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY"3RD Ed. Norasa publishing house DEHLI 2004
  7. Alberty R. and Silvey, A. "physical chemistry" 7th Ed. John Wiley and sons NY 1992
  8. Gurdeep R. "Advanced physical chemistry "3rd Ed. DEHLI 2008

Physical Chemistry Lab – II (Cr.01)

  1. Determination of pKa and Ka value of a weak acid.
  2. Molecular mass determination of non-electrolyte solute by cryoscopic method.
  3. Determination of number of associated molecule of Benzoic acid in Benzene and to determine the Distribution coefficient of Benzoic acid between H2O and Benzene.
  4. Determination of unknown concentrations of KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7 solution spectrophotometrically.
  5. Determination of percentage purity of an optically active compound.




Topics and Readings


Introduction to Quantum Mechanics + Lab#1


Postulates of Quantum theory , Operators , Eigen value 


Eigen function , orthogonality and normalized wave function + Lab#2


Motion of partical in three dimensional box and idea of degeneracy


Mathematical treatment of rigid rotator and calculation of bond length of simple molecule+ Lab#3


Stirling approximation , Probability ,Statistical treatment of entropy


The Boltzman distribution law and partition function + Lab#4


Significance of partition funtions + Mid Term Examination


Physical function of partition functions ,Separation of partition+ Lab#5


Partition function and thermodynamic functions


Internal energy and Entropy, Translational rotational vibrational and electronic partition function and their comparison


Concept of conductance of electrolytes


Debye-Huckle equation and limiting law   


Ionic strength , weak electrolyte and Debye Huckle theory


Activity and activity coefficients of electrolytic solutions , determination of activities


Determination of e.m.f of concentration cells, Fuel cell and hydrocarbon fuel cell


Final Term Exam



Sessional: 15 Marks

Mid Term: 15 Marks

Practical Exam: 25 Marks

Final exam: 45 Marks


  1. Class attendance (75%)in necessary for all students
  2. During paper, mobile phone is not allowed.
  3. As per University rules 

Course Material