Course Objectives:
To review theory and research in social psychology and to apply its major principles to situations
encountered in everyday life. To investigate the dynamics of social interaction across various situations. To
make students understand the influence of individual differences in social interactions.

Learning Outcomes:
 The students will be able to understand theory and research in social psychology and they would be educated on how to apply its major principles to situations encountered in everyday life.
 They will learn the dynamics of social interaction across the various situation.
 They will understand the influence of individual differences in social interactions.

Course Contents:
 The Field of Social Psychology: Introduction, Current trends and future scope Conducting research in
social psychology
 Self-Presentation and Social Perception: Non-verbal behavior, Attribution, Impression management
 Social Cognition: Schemas, Heuristics, Affect and Cognition
 Behavior and Attitudes
 Aspects of Social Identity: The self: Nature of the self, Self-concept, Social diversity, Self-esteem; Self
focusing, Self Monitoring, Self Efficacy; Gender: Maleness or femaleness
 Social Influence: Conformity, Compliance, Obedience
 Pro-social Behavior: Why do we help?, When do we help?, Does true altruism really exist? Whom do we
help?, How we can increase helping?
 Aggression /hurting others: What is Aggression?, Influences on Aggression,
 Prejudice and Discrimination: Nature; Social causes; Historical Manifestation;
 Interacting with others: Interpersonal Attraction - need, characteristics of other situation and problems;
Intimacy — Parent-child
 Group Influence: Nature and functions; How groups affect individual performance? Facilitation, Social
loafing; Coordination in groups; Cooperation or conflict;
 Leadership: History of leadership; Types and leadership styles; Effective leadership process;
 Role of Media in Social Psychology: Perception, Persuasion, Propaganda, Portrayal of Role Models &
Media and Agent of change
 Social Psychology in action: Applying social psychology to Interpersonal aspects of the legal system;
Health-related behavior; World of work and
 War against terrorism, Safety issues, and the role of media in society

Recommended books and Reading material::

Branscombe, N. R. & Baron, R. A. (2017). Social Psychology (14 th ed.). Pearson education.
DeLamater, J. D., & Myers, D. J., & Collett, J. L. (2015). Social Psychology (8th ed.). Westview press:
New York.
Crisp, R. J. & Turner, R. N. ( 2014) Essential Social Psychology (3 rd edition). SAGE Publications Ltd.
Myers, D. G. & Twenge, J. (2019). Social Psychology (13th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Rata, G. (2015). Applied Social Psychology. Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


sessional= 20 (assignment=10, assignment 2= 10)

mid term= 30

final exam= 50


sessional= 20%

Midterm exam= 30%

Final term exam= 50%

Course Material