
At the completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  1. Describe principles of community/extension work
  2. Importance of extension in developmental work
  3. Select suitable extension strategies.
  4. Concept of adoption and diffusion for agricultural development


  1. Ray, G.L. 2006. Extension Communication and Management. Kalyani Publishers.
  2. Narasaiah, M.L. 2003. Approaches to Rural Development. Discovery Publishing House New Delhi (India).
  3. Ison, R. & Russell, D. (Eds.) 2004. Agricultural Extension and rural Development: Breaking out of Knowledge Transfer Traditions. Cambridge University Press.
  4. Bashir, E. (Ed.). 2005. Extension Methods (2nd Edition). National Book Foundation, Islamabad.
  5. Ison, R and David, R. 2000. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development: Breaking Out of Knowledge. Cambridge University Press.

Leeuwis, C. and Van den Ban, A. 2004. Communication for rural Innovation: Rethinking Agricultural Extension (3rd Edition) Wiley-Blackwell.


Mid Exam 30%

Sessional: 20%

  1. Project:
  2. Presentation:
  3. Participation:

Final exam:      50%


      Wednesday: 8:50AM Sec C                   11:20AM Sec D
      Thursday:     9:40AM Sec C                    10:30AM Sec D
      Friday:          8:00AM Sec D                     10:30AM Sec C


Course Material