Teach students the importance and role of Active Citizenship in promoting a productive harmonious and developed societies.Introduce concept,skills,philosophy of community.Inclcate the importance of community involvement programmes.Provide an opportunity to the students to develop their relation ship with the community.
Text Books:
Sociology by Jhon.J.Macions Edison 14
Ala Twelvetrees,Community Work (Landon :Palgrave Macmillan 2008)
ClassTime Table:
Monday: 11:00-12:00 Theory
Tuesday:1- 2:00 Project
Friday: 2:00 -3:00 Project
Assesment Criteria:
Mid Term: 30 marks
Sessional: 20 marks(Assignment 05) ,( Presentation 05),(Quiz 05),(Attendance 05)
Final Exam: 50 marks