PP-308            PLANT DISEASE EPIDEMIOLOGY                    3(2-1)


To study the development of plant disease epidemics.

Intended learning outcomes:

At the completion of the course the students will be able to:

  1. Understand how epidemics are developed.
  2. Understand about the epidemiology of different diseases. 
  3. Learn about disease forecasting models, decision support systems and expert systems.


Introduction, history, importance and types of plant disease epidemics; principles and components of epidemics; factors influencing dynamics of epidemics; global climate change and relationship between climate variation and plant disease epidemics; monitoring of plant disease epidemics; epidemic growth curve and growth rate; forecasting of epidemics and their modeling; disease warning systems.


Determination of meteorological parameters and their correlation with plant diseases; development of disease prediction models; use of expert systems for monitoring epidemic development; crop loss assessment methods.

Recommended Books:

  1. Agrios. G.N. 2005. Plant Pathology. 5th Ed. Academic Press N.Y. USA.
  2. Campbell, C.L. andL.V. Madden. 1990. Introduction to Plant Disease Epidemiology. John Wily & Sons, Inc. New York, USA.
  3. Kranz, J. 2002. Comparative Epidemiology of Plant Diseases. Springer;
  4. Kranz, J. 1990. Epidemics of PlantDiseases:MathematicalAnalysis and Modeling. Springe Publ. London, UK.
  5. Leonard, J.F. and D.A. Neher. 1997. Exercises in Plant Disease Epidemiology. American Phytopathological Society Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. 
  6. Savary, S. and B.M. Cooke. 2006. Plant Disease Epidemiology: Facing Challenges of the 21st Century: Under the aegis of an International Plant Disease Epidemiology Workshop held at Landernau, France, 10-15th April, 2005. Springer.

Assessment Methods:


Mid Term

Final  Term








Assignment (1)





Presentations (4)





Practicals/Field work (1)





Attendance (1)





Class Participation (1)





Class Timings:

Wednesday. 8:00-9:40 am

Thursday. 11:20-12:10 am

Friday. 8:00-8:50 pm

                                                            COURSE SCHEDULE


Topics and Readings

Books with Page No.


Introduction about the epidemiology


Plant Pathology; P. 266


Elements of an epidemic, Host factors that affect the development of epidemics; Levels of Genetic Resistance or Susceptibility of the Host, Degree of Genetic Uniformity of Host Plants, Type of Crop; Measurement of microclimate



Plant Pathology; P. 266-267

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases; P. 387-388


Age of Host Plants, Pathogen factors that affect development of epidemics, Levels of Virulence, Quantity of Inoculum near Hosts; Type of Reproduction of the Pathogen, Ecology of the Pathogen, Mode of Spread of the Pathogen; crop loss assessment methods


Plant Pathology; P. 267-271

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases; P. 43-75


Environmental factors that affect development of epidemics, Moisture, Temperature; Effect of human cultural practices and control measures, Site Selection and Preparation, Selection of Propagative Material, Cultural Practices and Disease Control Measures, Introduction of New Pathogens; crop loss assessment methods


Plant Pathology; P. 271-273

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases; P. 43-75


Measurement of plant disease and of yield loss, Patterns of epidemics; Comparison of epidemics, Development of epidemics; crop loss assessment methods


Plant Pathology; P. 273-277

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases; P. 43-75


Modeling of plant disease epidemics; Computer simulation of epidemics; crop loss assessment methods


Plant Pathology; P. 277-280

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases; P. 43-75


Forecasting plant disease epidemics, Disease Diagnosis: The Key to Forecasting of any Plant Disease Epidemic; crop loss assessment methods


Plant Pathology; P. 280-281

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases; P. 43-75


Evaluation of Epidemic Thresholds, Evaluation of Economic Damage Threshold, Assessment of Initial Inoculum of Disease; crop loss assessment methods

Plant Pathology; P. 281-282  The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases; P. 43-75


Monitoring Weather Factors That Affect Disease Development, New tools in epidemiology, Molecular Tools; Modelling and interpreting disease progress in time


Plant Pathology; P. 282-283

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases; P. 215-235



Geographic Information System, Global Positioning System, Information Technology, Forecasts Based on Amount of Initial Inoculum; Modelling and interpreting disease progress in time  


Plant Pathology; P. 283-284

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases; P. 215-235


Geostatistics, Remote Sensing, Image Analysis; Disease forecasting


Plant Pathology; P. 284

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases; P. 239-264


Forecasts Based on Weather Conditions Favoring Development of Secondary Inoculum, Forecasts Based on Amounts of Initial and Secondary Inoculum Risk assessment of plant disease epidemics, Disease-warning systems; Epidemiology in sustainable systems


Plant Pathology; P. 285-286

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases; P. 239-264


Development and use of expert systems in plant pathology, Decision support systems; Epidemiology in sustainable systems


Plant Pathology; P. 287-288

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases; P. 239-264


Lecture on correlation analysis, Lecture on regression analysis; Information technology in plant disease epidemiology


Plant Pathology; P. 249-287

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases; P. 335-355

Statistical Methods and data analysis; P. 249-265, P. 187-245


Data analysis using correlation and regression analysis, Revision/Preparation for final exam;

Microsoft Excel, 2010

Statistical Methods and data analysis; P. 249-265, P. 187-245


Revision of course and Presentations




  1. Epidemiology of fungal diseases.
  2. Epidemiology of bacterial and viral diseases.
  3. Role of epidemiology in nematode diseases prediction. 

Note: Course Image has been taken from "Plant Pathology Book, 5th addition" written by G.N. Agrios ".

Course Material