Significant changes has occurred in the world of crop protection in general and in fungicides in particular. The most significant of these changes is the growth in demand for food crops. The world’s population has risen from about 6 billion to 7 billion in that period. Many people eat more meat than before and hence the demand for grain is growing even faster than the population. Fungicide utilization has grown significantly in the last decades. In 1998, fungicide use was dominated by Europe and Japan but is now much more widespread. While many of the fungicide classes in use in 1998 are still providing good value, several new classes, especially the quinone outside inhibitor (QoI) and succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) groups, have been introduced. There is a strong pipeline of new compounds especially to combat Oomycota and powdery mildews. The underlying sciences have advanced in important ways. We now have a firm understanding of the evolution of the major groups of target organisms. Oomycota have been clearly differentiated from the true Fungi and we no longer talk about Deuteromycota or the Fungi Imperfecti.

This course is taught with the objectives to acquaint the students with the chemicals available for the control of diseases and insect pests. They also learn the new groups of chemicals available in the market, the applications equipment for their application, resistance management against these chemicals.

After successful completion of this course the students will be able to:

  • Understand the available chemicals for the management of diseases and insect pests

  • Their mode of action, host specificity, new group of chemicals, resistance management

  • Application equipment for the applications against different target crops

  • Chemical poisoning and first aid for pesticide poisoning during their applicatio


    Introduction and history of pesticides; major groups of pesticides and their classification; formulation and mode of action; residues, resistance and phytotoxicity problems of pesticides (fungicides, bactericides, and nematicides etc.); equipments and different methods of application; FAO code of conduct for pesticide use and handling (codex alementerious; pesticide regulation, registration and distribution in Pakistan; major hazards of pesticides and their safety measures; pesticides compatibility and selectivity; pre-harvest safety intervals.


    Demonstration of different groups of pesticides used to control plant diseases; preparation, formulation and doses; use of various equipments and calibration and measurement of droplet size; In vitro comparison of systemic and protectant pesticides; visits to pesticides testing labs and warehouses; protective measures and first aid.

Course Material