Course Aim

The course aims to develop students’ problem solving skills and to introduce them recombination of genetic material at molecular levels with emphasis on introduction to biotechnology and genomics. It also provides information to extend their knowledge about different Mechanisms of Genetic Change and to help them thinking in an analytical way.

Course Objectives

  1. To introduce Recombinant DNA Technology
  2. To elaborate Application of Recombinant DNA
  3. To explain about molecular basis of gene mutations and reversion analysis mutagens and carcinogens
  4. To give information about biological repair mechanisms
  5. To describe General homologous recombination, and Holiday model
  6. To give concept of Transposable Genetic Elements
  7. To explain Human Genome Project and other Plant genome Projects

Weekly Lecture Plan


Course Contents


Recombinant   DNA:   Recombinant   DNA   Technology   Introduction, Basic Techniques, PCR and Rt PCR


Restriction enzymes, Plasmids, Bacteriophages as tools, the formation of recombinant DNA, recombinant DNA methodology,


Site directed Mutagenesis, DNA sequencing


Application of Recombinant DNA:  Applications of recombinant DNA technology using prokaryotes, recombinant DNA technology in eukaryotes


An overview, transgenic yeast, transgenic plants, transgenic animals, screening for genetic diseases


Identifying  disease  genes,  DNA  typing,  gene  therapy,  genetically modified organisms and apprehensions


Mechanisms of Genetic Change I: Gene Mutation: The molecular basis of gene mutations, Spontaneous mutations, induced mutations


reversion analysis mutagens and carcinogens,


Mid Term Examination


Biological repair mechanisms


Mechanisms  of  Genetic  Change  II:  Recombination: General  homologous recombination,  the  holiday  model,  enzymatic  mechanism  of  recombination, site-specific recombination


Recombination and chromosomal rearrangements.


Mechanisms of Genetic Change III: Transposable Genetic   Elements Insertion sequences, transposons, rearrangements mediated by transposable elements, review of transposable elements in prokaryotes, controlling elements in maize


Human Genome Project: Strategies and application, achievement and future prospects


Other plant genome projects.


Bioinformatics: Application of computational tests to the analysis of genome and their gene products


Bioethics: Moral, Religious and ethical concerns


Final Term Examination

Readings/ Bibliography

  1. Trun, Nand Trempy J.2004. Fundamental Bacterial Genetics, Blackwell Publishing House.
  2. Winnacker, E. L.2003. From Gene to Clones Introduction to Gene Technology, Panima Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
  3. Beaycgamp T. L. and Walters L., Contemporary Issues in Bioethics, Wadsworth Publishing Company.
  4. Brown, T. A. 2002 Genomes, Bios Scientific Publishers Ltd.
  5. The Genome of Homo Sapiens, 2003, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
  6. Ignacimuthu, S. 2005. Basic Bioinformatics, Narosa Publishing House, India.
  7. Lwein, B. 2004. Gene VIII, Pearson Education Int.
  8. Miglani, 2003. Advanced Genetics, Narosa Publishing House, India.
  9. Hartt, D. L, and Jones, E. W. 2005. Genetics, Analysis of Gene and Genomes.Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, USA.
  10. Gelvin, S. B. 2000. Plant Molecular Biology Manual. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  11. Primrose, S. B., Twyman, R. M. and Old R. W.  2004.  Principles of Gene Manipulation, an Introduction to Genetic Engineering (6th Edition), Blackwell Scientific Publications.
  12. Snyder, L and Champness W. 2003. Molecular Genetics of Bacteria, ASM Press.
  13. Wilson, J. and Hunt, T.  2004. Molecular Biology of the cell - the problems book, Garland publishing Inc.
  14. Anthony J. F., Griffiths, Jeffrey H Miller, David T Suzuki, Richard C Lewontin, William M and Gelbart. W. H. 2009. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis, 7th Edition. Freeman and Company.
  15. Hedrick, P. W. 2005. Genetics of Population. Jones and Bartlett Publisher, Sudbury, USA.
  16. Mahmut Caliskan. 2012. The Molecular basis of plant genetic diversity. In Tech Publishers.
  17. Ram J. Singh.  2011. Genetic resources, chromosome engineering and crop improvement.    Medicinal plants.Vol.6.CRC Press.
  18. William S. Klug, Michael R. Cummings, Charlotte A. Spencer, Michael A. Palladino. 2011. Concepts of Genetics. Pearson Educations.
  19. Daniel Hartl. 2011. Genetics Johns and Bartlett Publishers.
  20. David Hyde. 2008. Introduction to Genetic principles. McGraw-Hill.
  21. Daniel, L. Hart, Elizabeth W. Jones.  2009. Analysis of genes and genomes. John and Barlett.
  22. Noureddine Benkeblia. 2011. Sustainable agriculture and new biotechnologies.CRC Press.

Journals / Periodicals:

J. Genetics, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Cytologia, Chromosoma, Genome

Assessment Methods

Sessional+Presentations:         10

Practicals:                                 15

Mid Term Exam:                        30

Final exam:                               45

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Describe the processes of gene mutations and DNA repair.
  • Perform molecular genetic analysis and give the techniques and interpretation used in biotchecnology.
  • Distinguish between structural, functional and comparative genomics and how they differ from proteomics.
  • Explain Insertion sequences, transposons, rearrangements mediated by transposable elements
  • Explain DNA Amplification by PCR
  • Illustrate how information generated by genome sequencing projects can be used to discover practical knowledge about gene expression and relationships between species

Course Material