Introduction to Course:

This is an introductory course about the management of organization. It provides instruction on principle of management that have general applicability to all type of enterprises; basic management philosophy and decision making; principles involved in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling; and recent concepts in management. The principle learned in this course will allow the student to effectively work with and through others in an organization. The course will also encourage the students to explore and inquire the applicability of western management principles and theories in local settings. Besides, the course will discuss the Islamic perspective of managing businesses and organizations.

Course Pre-Requsite

The principle learned in this course will allow the student to effectively work with and through others in an organization. The course will also encourage the students to explore and inquire the applicability of western management principles and theories in local settings. Besides, the course will discuss the Islamic perspective of managing businesses and organizations.

Learning Outcomes

It will help students:

  1. To understand the phenomena of organizations
  2. Develop understanding of different management approaches
  3. How to balance the work load?
  4. How to manage and increase the organization performance
  5. It will provide understanding to develop different strategies
  6. How to make your employees more motivated to work?

Text Book

  1. Mary Coulter & Robbins, Management, International ed.
  2. Chuck Williams, 2010, Principles of Management, International Edition 7e, Cengage Learning.
  3. Ricky W. Griffin, 2012, Fundamentals of Management, International Edition 7e, Cengage Learning.
  4. Chuck Williams, 2012, Effective Management, International Edition 6e, Cengage Learning.

System of Evaluation

Sessional: 20 (Presentation + Participation + Assignments)

Midterm exam: 30




Final exam: 50

Total: 100

  • 75 % attendance is must for the students to appear in exam of Midterm and final
  • Monthly attendance will informed to students
  • Students are required be attentive in class
  • Sessional marked would only be given according to the assigned criteria


Weekly Lesson Plan



Topics and Readings

Books with Page No.



  1. Introduction to management& what do managers do?
  2. Organization
  3. What is Management? Management function, roles & skills

Ref [1], page 1-2

Ref [1], page 9-12



  1. History and evaluation of management,
  2. Organizational theories,
  3. Different approaches to management

Ref [1], page 27-36

Ref [2], page 44-58


  1. The organizational culture and the management,
  2. The external environment and the manager,
  3. The internal environment and the manager

Ref. [1], page 60-65

Ref. [1], page 65-70



  1. Foundations and basic elements of planning,
  2. Process of planning and MBO
  3. Effective strategic planning

Ref. [1], page 202-214



  1.  Decision making
  2. The manager’s role as decision maker
  3. Decision making process

Ref. [1], page 176-190



  1. Basic of strategic management
  2. Case of strategic management
  3. Strategic management process

Ref.[1], page 222-234


  1. Organizational structure
  2. Types of organizational structure
  3. Application of organization design

Ref. [1], page 262-277



  1. Motivation (motivating employee)
  2. Leadership (manager’s verses leaders)
  3. Communication (communication &interpersonal skills)

Ref. [1], page 428


Ref.[2], page 288-300


  1. Human Recourse Management
  2. HRM processes
  3. HRM functions

Ref.[1], page 310-326


  1. Theories of motivation
  2. Current issues in motivation
  3. Suggestion for motivating employee

Ref.[1], page 430-441



  1. Team work
  2. Group behavior
  3. Case of team and team work

Ref.[2], page 218-246


  1. What is leadership and its characteristics
  2. Leadership style and behavior
  3. Trait, Behavioral & contingency theories

Ref.[1], page 458-469


  1. The process of control
  2. The control standards
  3. Information, financial, operations, behavioral controls

Ref [1]. Page 484-498


  1. Case of controlling
  2. Discussion regarding controlling
  3. Qualities of effective controlling

Ref [2]. Page 169-201


  1. Staffing
  2. Staff role of the personnel
  3. Discussion and presentations

Ref [3]. Page 169-201


  1. Detailed discussion
  2. Conclusion session
  3. Conclusion session


Ref [5]. Page 561-628

Time of Class

                      BSCS 6th Ex-PPP (D)






Course Material