Pakistan Studies is a subject that aims of inhancing student's knowledge about history, culture and geography of pakistan and inculcate petriotism in the hearts of the student so that they may become a good citizen.

Althoug pakistan studies is a compolsury subject from class IX to university level, it is an astonishing fact that many of the students of unaware of important historical figures and events. Even if they know some, it's just the names of some of the famous personalities and not the details about their achievements, life and causes of success or downfall. The books on Pakistan Studies of different levels cover the topics which are repeated in all of them.

This would create enlightenment in students and encourage them to get what their ancestors did not achieve. It should create and develop interest towards the subject and help widen their outlooks and open new vistas of knowledge. There should be a variety of questions, as well as activities, for learners so that they can learn with fun. 


Course Material