This course is introduce to students explain and discuss the local government objective,structure, nature, functions. It also aims to explain the history of local government in Pakistan and comparison with other countries like UK,USA,India.
Learning outcomes
To provide basic information about the local government.
To understand the importance of local units.
To formulate the public opinion need for local government.
To explain the relationship between the state and local government.
Recognise the primary source of income and procedure of budget at local level.
Anylse the differences with other countries local structure, organization, responsibilities.
Course outline:
History of local government, local government in subcontinent.
Local government after 1947
Basic democracies in the period of Ayub Khan
Local government in Bhutto era
Local government in the period of ziya-ul haq.
Devolution plan, local government act 2013,
Local government elections in the history of Pakistan
Local government act 2019.
Comparison with Indian, USA, UK local government system.
Text books:
Kara,A(2018), introduction to local government finance, fourth edition.
k.Richard(1996) state and local government.
Christopher A,Simon,Brand s.steel,State and local government and politics prospect for state: published by O'Regan state University.
L.wendy(2003 )Local government management: current issues and best practices.
Time table:
Thursday 11-12:30
Friday 9:30-11
Assessment criteria:
Mid term: 30 marks
Final exams: 50marks
Sessional Marks :20marks
5attendence, 5prsentation, 5assignment,5 viva,quizs