This course is intoduce the students history of the Pakistan and also origin, struggle of the Pakistan. This course also examine the developmental issues facing the country.

Learning outcomes

To make the students to understand the factors and reasons behind the struggle of Pakistan.

To provide basic information of ideology of Pakistan.

To enhance understanding regarding the historical facts of Pakistan.

To aware about constitutional development, role of army in politics,role of media, foreign policy of Pakistan.

Course outline:

Alighar movement, partition of Bengal, formation of Muslim league, lakhnow pact1916, khilafat movement 1919, round table confrence, Congress ministries1937, Lahore resolution 1940, Cripps perposals, cabinet mission plan, Shimla confrence, elections of 1945-46, redcaliff award.

Constitutional development after 1947, constitution of 1956,1962,1973

Martials government in Pakistan

Beuracratic role in politics

Political parties


Foreign policy of Pakistan

Pakistan relations with USA,UK,India, China

Text books:

J, Aysha (2012)The Oxford companion to Pakistan history: Oxford publisher.

M,sarwer(2000) Pakistan Roots and development,1947-1999: karchi, Oxford University press.

I,Rabani, Muhammad (2007)New millennium to Pakistan studies (compulsory):carvan book house.

Time table:

2:00-3:30 (Monday)


Assessment criteria

Mid term exams:30marks

Final exams:50marks

Sessional Marks:20marks(5 attendance+5assignment+5quizs+viva, presentation).



Course Material