This course offers an interdisciplinary overview of urban life. We will study the disciplinary perspectives of history, geography, political science, and sociology of examining how the built environment of cities are shaped by human activity and how, in turn, urban life is shaped by the built environment. This course focuses on building students'analytical skills and foundational knowledge of how cities work by exploring a variety of topics. (1.origion of towns 2. site and situation 3. To discuss the process of urbanization in the world, urban function, and economic base of urban centers. 4. To import formal and functional classification of town; towns as a central place, urban hinterland, and urban structure - different theories. 5. To study the hierarchy of settlements-city-size distribution,rank-size, the law of primate city; To study urban expansion medieval. 7. Study of the process of urbanization in Pakistan.

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of the course, the student should have the following learning outcomes

1. Explain the concepts and models of the development, function, and distribution of cities.

2. Analyze the internal structure of cities using appropriate techniques, models, and theories.

3. Understand how public and private sector organizations influence the planning and development of cities.

4. Identify slums and suburbanization and gentrification and their contemporary characteristics.

Text Books:

  1. Hall, T. (2001). Urban Geography. (2nd ed.). NewYork: Routledge.
  2. Pacione, M. (2005). Urban Geography: A Global Perspective. London: Routledge

Course Start Date: January 13, 2020

Course End Date:   May 08, 2020

Class Timing

Monday        09:00 AM- 10:00 AM

Tuesday       09:00 AM- 10:00 AM

Wednesday   09:00 AM- 10:00 AM


Assessment Criteria: Total Marks 100

Sessional: 20 [Assignments (05) Presentations (05) Quiz (05) Attendance (05)]

Mid Term (Term Paper): 30

Final exam: 50

Course Material