Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will be able to identify research problem, analyze and interpret research data, critically analyze various methods of qualitative and quantitative research and apply various research designs.

Theory: 1. Selecting and defining a research problem 2. Conducting review of literature and computer search 3. Various types of research, Action research, how to state research problem 4. Introduction to research designs 5. Defining population and selecting samples 6. Choosing alternative methods for data collection 7. Determining reliability and validity of the research instrument 8. Selecting and applying appropriate statistical techniques for data analysis 9. Planning, developing and critically analyzing research proposals 10. Ethical principles and constraints for planning, conducting and reporting research in Agricultural Extension 11. Qualitative research design, Sampling techniques, 12. Methods of qualitative research 13. Taking field notes for observations and interviews 14. Strategies for analyzing interpreting synthesizing and reporting data, Data analysis on SPSS

Practical: 1. The students will be engaged to prepare and present their brief research proposals and plan and conduct pilot studies.

Recommended Books

  1. Creswell, J. W. 2007. Study Guide for Educational Research. Planning, Conducting and evaluating Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Prentice Hall, NJ; USA.
  2. Creswell, J. W. 2008. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches. SAGE Publications, USA.
  3. Bhattacherjee, A. 2012. Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices, (2nd Edition) University of South Florida, USA
  4. M. D. Gall, J. P. & Borg, W. R. 2006. Educational Research: An Introduction (8th Edition) Longman Inc. New York.

Students' Evaluation:   


Each student will conceive a research idea; develop a questionnaire/interview schedule/interview guide for data collection. The student(s) will collect data on limited scale, analyze and submit the research report and present it in the class


Sessional Marks:    08

Midterm Marks:     12

Final exam Marks: 20

Practical Marks:     20

Total Marks:           60



The students should abide all the following rules;

  1. 75% percent class attendance
  2. Negative marking for late submission of assignments

   Class meetings:

     Every Thursday:   Practical: 8:00 am to 9:40 am

                                  Theory:    9:40 am to 11: 20 am


Course Material