This course provides comprehensive introduction of research methodologies in the discipline of Agricultural Extension. Research course would enable students to develop research skills and would further enable them to create a researchable idea, disintegrate it into different pieces and compose it into new shape as a solution of researchable problem.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:

  • Describe the concepts and types of research
  • Develop research instruments
  • Develop plan of work for execution of  research project
  • Apply research skills to solve real world problems
  • Take necessary measures for tackling imminent issues of the farming communities in the country

Course contents:

  1. Concepts of research, research ethics
  2. Purposes of doing research
  3. Types/kinds of research
  4. Research process and its steps
  5. Conecpts of Qualitative and Quantitative research with reference to Agricultural Extension
  6. Conducting qualitative reserach
  7. Developing a research synopsis
  8. Research instruments (Questionnaire, interview schedule, interview guide etc.)
  9. Data collection, analysis through SPSS and writing a report

Recommended Books

  1. McMillan, J. H. Educational Research: Fundamentals for the Consumer (5th Edition) Harper Collins College Publishers, USA.
  2.  Bhattacherjee, A. 2012. Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices, (2nd Edition) University of South Florida, USA


Each student will conceive a research idea; develop a questionnaire/interview schedule/interview guide for data collection. The student(s) will collect data on limited scale, analyze and submit the research report and present it in the class


Sessional Marks:    08

Midterm Marks:     12

Final exam Marks: 20

Practical Marks:     20

Total Marks:           60



The students should abide all the following rules;

  1. 75% class attendance
  2. Marks will be deducted for late submission of assignments

Course Material