Intoduction to Course:

The overall objective of this course is to teach student the importance role of active citizenship in promoting a productive , harmonious and developed society world and provide an opportunity to the student to develop their relationship with the communty.Educate students about the importance concept , skills and philosophy of community linkages in developing of sustainable society.

Course pre requisites (if any):


Learning outcomes:

  • Understanding the overall organization of the society.
  • Recognise and exercise their rights, reponsibilities and the significance of active citizenship in positive societal development.
  • Understand the concept of Human rights and its significance.
  • Appreciate diverse viewpoint and inter-cultural harmony.


  1. British council, Active citizen,s Social Action Project Guide (Scotland : British Council ,2017)
  2. Kerry Kennedy , Citixenship education and the nodern state ( London, Routledge flamer,1997)

Description of system of Evaluation (Exam, assignments etc.):

Mid Term: 30 marks

Sessional: 20 marks

  • Assignments:5
  • Quiz :7.5
  • Attendance: 7.5

Final Exam: 50 marks

Course Material