Intoduction to Course:

This course offers an introduction to how socological approaches to health, health care and medicine have offered critical perspectives on understanding illness nd suffering from subjective and structural perspective.

Course pre requisites (if any):


Learning outcomes:

At the end of the course students are expected to be able to: Outline socio-economic explanations for health inequalities in morbidity and mortality and describe how social divisions (including gender, diversity, disability, sexuality) more generally influence health and health outcomes.


  1. An introduction to the sociology of health and illness by Kevin White.
  2. The sociology of Health and Medicine by Ellen Annandale

Description of system of Evaluation (Exam, assignments etc.):

Mid Term: 30 marks

Sessional: 20 marks

  • Assignments:5
  • Quiz :7.5
  • Attendance: 7.5

Final Exam: 50 marks

Course Material