Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

The Wolfram Language stands out from traditional computer languages in supporting many programming paradigms. Procedural programming is the only paradigm available in languages like C and Java, as well as most scripting languages. The Wolfram Language supports all standard procedural programming constructs, but often extends them through integration into its more general symbolic programming environment.

x=value (Set) set the value for a variable

expr;expr;expr (CompoundExpression) execute expressions in sequence

Assignments »

=  ▪  +=  ▪  ++  ▪  *=  ▪  AppendTo  ▪  ...

Loops »

Do  ▪  While  ▪  For  ▪  Table  ▪  Nest  ▪  ...

Conditionals »

If  ▪  Which  ▪  Switch  ▪  And(&&)  ▪  Equal(==)  ▪  Less(<)  ▪  ...

Flow Control »

Return  ▪  Throw  ▪  Catch  ▪  TimeConstrained  ▪  ...

Scoping Constructs »

Module  ▪  With  ▪  Block  ▪  ...

Input, Output, Etc. »

Print  ▪  Input  ▪  Pause  ▪  Import  ▪  OpenRead  ▪  ...