To course is intended for students who are wishing to obtain knowledge of mathematical techniques suitable for economics analysis. It assumes very little prerequisite knowledge. The approach is informal and aims to show students how to do and apply the mathematics practically. Economics applications are considered although this course aims to teach the mathematics rather than the economics. Topics include basic algebra, simple finance calculaus and matrix algebra.

Course Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Develop analytical skills
  2. Use and explain the underlying principles, terminology, methods, techniques and conventions used in the subject
  3. Develop an understanding of differential and difference equations techniques used in economic theory.
  4. Encourage students to think about applying these mathematical tools in their own research, if necessary, with suitable modifications
  5. Solve economic problems using the mathematical methods described in the course.
  6. Successfully use mathematics in economics and business applications.

Text Books

  • Chiang, A. C. and Kevin Wainwright, Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics – 4th Edition (2005) - McGraw Hill Publishing Company.
  • Dowling E. T. - Mathematics for Economists, Schaum's Outline Series-Latest Edition, McGraw Hill Publishing Company.


Recommended Books

  • Frank, Bud nick - Applied Mathematics for Business, Economics and Social Sciences- 4th Edition (1993) or latest – McGraw Hill Publishing Company.
  • Weber E. Jean, Mathematical Analysis, Business and Economic Application (latest edition), Harper and Row Publishers, New York, 1976.

    Description of the System of Evaluation (Exam, assignments etc.):

    Mid Term: 30 marks

    Sessional: 20 marks

  • Project: 25%
  • Presentation: 25%
  • Participation: 25%
  • Attendance 25 %
  • Final Exam: 50 marks          

    Class Timings:    

  • For Regular Class:              Thursday (11:00 AM to 12.30 PM )
  •                                             Frisday (9:30 AM to 11:00 AM)

  • For Self Support Class:       Thursday (2:00 PM to 3:30 PM )
  •                                              Friday (2:00 PM to 3:30 PM) 

    Commencement of Classes                                                   February 22, 2021

    Mid Term Examination                                                            April 19, 2021

    Final Term Examination                                                          June 21, 2021

    Declaration of Result                                                              July 02, 2021

Course Material