Introduction to Course:

Citizenship Education and Community engagement (URCC-5110) is very essential and importanct subject at University level.  This is a non-credit course, which are being offered in every discipline of the University.

The Overall objectives of this course are:

  1. Teach students the importance and role of active citizenship in promoting a productive , harmonious and developed society/world.
  2. Educates students about the importance of concepts , skills and philosophy of community linkages in developing a sustainable society.
  3. Inculcate the importance of community involvement for  ensuring and improved, tolerant and generative society/world
  4. Provide an opportunity to the students to develop their relationship with the community.

Course pre requisities (if any):


Learning Outcomes:

The Primary outcome is inclusive development through active citizenship locally and globally. Moreover the following are the detailed outcomes of the course based on the three domains of blooms taxonomy i.e effective, psychomotor and cognitive the students will be able to :

  1. Understand the overall organization of the society.
  2. Recognized and exercise their rights , responsibilities and the significance of active citizenship in positive societal development.
  3. Identify and critically evaluate social issues and implement practicable community based solutions.
  4. Understand the concept of human rights and its significance.
  5. Appreciate diverse view point and inter culture harmony

Text Book:

  1. British Council , Active Citizen's Social Action Project Guide (Scootland: British Council 2017).
  2. Alan Twelvwtrees, Communtiy Work ( London: Palgrave Macmillan 2008).
  3. Kerry Kennedy, Citizenship Education and the Modern State.
  4. Anne Karin, Participation in Community Work.

Description of system of Evaluation (Exam, assignments etc.):

Mid Term: 30 marks

Sessional: 20 marks

  • Project: 40%
  • Presentation: 30%
  • Participation: 30

Final Exam: 50 marks



Course Material