This is a one-semester course in macroeconomics. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Open Economy and Macroeconomic Stabilization, IS-LM: Goods and Money Market, Labor Market, Price expectation and Unemployment, Macroeconomic Policy Debate, Government debt and Budget deficit, Economic fluctuation and its sources, Long-Term Growth, and Full Employment. The course will aim to explain different topics in macroeconomics. You will learn here how an economy works and how its performance is checked using different criteria. You will also know what are different real macroeconomic issues faced by the world today and how different school of thoughts present their policies to resolve those issues.
Course Pre-Requisite
Students should have passed first course on Macro Economics namely Macro Economics I.
After completing this course student would be able to (A)Through knowledge and understanding, students will be able to:
1. Define the macro economics way of thinking.
2. Define the main macro economic tools and theories available for decision-making policies to stabilize and stimulate the economy.
3. Get a comprehensive introduction to:
a. Open Economy and Macroeconomic Stabilization, IS-LM: Goods and Money Market, Labor Market, Price expectation and Unemployment, Macroeconomic Policy Debate, Government debt and Budget deficit.
b. Economic fluctuation and its sources, Long-Term Growth, and Full Employment.
4. Learn how an economy works and how its performance is checked using different criteria and also know what are different real macroeconomic issues faced by the world today and how different school of thoughts present their policies to resolve those issues.
1. Mankiw, Gregory N., Macroeconomics-10th Edition (2018)- Worth Publishers, New York.
2. Branson, William H., Macroeconomic Theory and Policy-3rd Edition-(1989), Harper and Row Publishers, New York / London.
Mid Term Exam: 30%
Final Term Exam: 50%
Sessional Marks: 20%
Monday to Wednesday
Regular: 11:00am to 12:00pm Self Support: 3:00 to 4:00pm