Course Description:

This is an introductory course on Information and Communication Technologies. Topics include ICT terminologies, hardware and software components, the internet and world wide web, and ICT based applications.Information and communication technologies (ICTs) systems now dominate our everyday lives. Introducing ICT systems, will explain what constitutes such a system and how ICT systems work. You will also look at how ICT systems convey, store and manipulate data, and how they process data. Finally you will learn how these systems are used.

Pre-requisites: There is no pre-requisite for this course.

Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, a student will be able to,

  • Understand different terms associated with ICT
  • Identify various components of a computer system
  • Identify the various categories of software and their usage
  • Define the basic terms associated with communications and networking
  • Understand different terms associated with the Internet and World Wide Web.
  • Use various web tools including Web Browsers, E-mail clients and search utilities.
  • Use text processing, spreadsheets and presentation tools
  • Understand the enabling/pervasive features of ICT

Description of Evaluation System:

30%       Mid Tem Exam

40%       Final Exam

30%       Project /Assignments (Class/Lab),Quizzes,Class Participation

Text Book to be used for the course:

vermat ,M E(2018), Discovering computers: digital technology; data and devices, Boston course technology press 

Detailed Lesson Plan:


Key Dates and Time of Class Meeting:

https://lms.su.edu.pk/files/7396/academi calender.xlsx


Course Material