Semester III



Course: PSY -602


Cr Hrs: 3


Through this course students will learn:

  • Some experience in developing their own test and evaluating its statistical properties.
  • The clinical interpretation of a handful of psychological tests including projective (e.g. T.A.T.) intelligence (e.g. WAIS-R) and personality (e.g. MMPI).
  • Students will understand statistical characteristics of test scores.


1.        Intelligence Aptitude and Achievement Testing:

                        i)         The Binet Intelligence Test              ii)        Wechsler Intelligence Scale

                        iii)       Performance and Non-verbal Tests

                        iv)       Group Intelligence Test                   

                        v)        Differential Aptitude Test (DAT)

                         vi)         Individual intelligence test                

                        vii)        Scholastic abilities and test for special population

                        viii)      Multiple aptitude test batteries

                        ix)         Test of separate abilities

                        x)          Occupational testing


2.        Various methods of Personality Testing

                        i)         Projective techniques                       ii) non-projective techniques

                        iii)       Self-report Inventories (Subjective and Objective)

                        iv)       Behavioral tests                                  v) Measures of interest


3.        Ethical and social Issues in implementation of Psychological Measurements with special reference to Pakistan


4.        Criticism on Psychological Testing


5.        Practicum: Administration, scoring & interpretation of at least one test in each of the following categories:


                        i)   Objective Test of Personality     ii) Projective Test of Personality

                        iii) Intelligence Test                         iv) Values or Achievement Test

                        v)  Aptitude Tests



Anastasi, A. (1990). Psychological testing.  New York: Prentice Hall Inc.

Freeman, F. S. (1998). Theory and practice of psychological testing. New York: Halt.

Goldstein, G. (1990). Handbook of psychological assessment. New York: Pergman

Groth-Marnat, G. (2003). Handbook of Psychological Assessment (4 th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Haq A. (1997). Psychology in pakistan: Encyclopedia of Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Nunnally, J. E. (2000). Introduction to psychological measurement. New York: McGraw

Singh, A. K. (1986). Measurement and research methods in behavioral sciences. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Company.

Tyler, L. E. (1999). Tests and Measurement. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.

Course Material