This course is the introduction to common quantitative techniques and software used in the social sciences. It is designated to meet the need of the students to provide them with broad range of basic concepts and methods, which they will later use as the basis for intermediate and advanced quantititative techniques. The course is aimed at students who study sociology but it will contain examples and applications relevant for various social science diciplines. The course provides understanding about application of computer and statisitcs in the field of sociology. Through triangulation method, the course ensures the graps of the students on both statistics and computer for the research purpose. It would also equip the students with the use of latest software in the field of research.
Recommended Books
George, A. (2011). SPSS for Social Scientists, 4th edition,
Suggested Books
Schuyler, W. (2010). Reading Statistics and Research, 1st edition, The Ohio state, USA.
Distribution of Marks:
Mid Exam: 30
Final exam: 50
Sessional (Assignment,Presentation,Participation,Attendance,Quizes) 20
Scheduled on:
Ph.D 1st: Thursday (02:00-05:00)