The aim of the course is to provide students with the methodological skills necessary for them to carry out independent research. Throughout the year, methodological and design considerations are integrated with statistical techniques. Statistical theory is not emphasized; instead, students are trained to be consumers and users of statistics. Applied linkages are developed through the extensive use of the SPSS data analysis package. Advanced Research Methods can be divided into three components. Over the duration of the semester students will engage in topics including effect size measures and their associated confidence intervals, power analysis, clinical significance, advanced analysis of variance, regression modeling, and regression diagnostics, bootstrapping, and dealing with missing data. Students are taught these techniques in the context of SPSS and other computer-based data analysis software. Qualitative methods are considered briefly. This course will also provide knowledge to the students regarding the interpretation of qualitative data and impart skills of report writing in them.

Recommended Texts

  1. Babbie, E. (2012). The practice of social research (13thed.). California: Wordsworth.
  2. Lawrence, W. M. (2011). Social research methods, (7thed.).  Boston: Allyn and Eacon.
  3. Corbin, J. and Strauss, C. A (2008).  Basics of qualitative research (3rded.). New Delhi: Sage Publications.

Course Material