Course Objectives

The course aims to introduce students to the very basic comparison of Western and Islamic world view of religion in terms of epistemology which have immediate relation to their ordinary as well as academic life. It provides the students with a handful knowledge and critical approach to interpret the modern aspects of socio-political and religious ideas, not only of Islam but also its comparison to other major religions of world. It helps students be trains in critical skills and interpretation of some fundamental teachings of religion in relation to their everyday life. The contents of the course are designed in such a manner so that the students may get benefits in their understanding of religious scholarship in relation to symmetrical flow of ideas.  To sensitize students to the various shades and aspects of Islam, to show that it is not a monolithic whole but something that can be looked at in detail. The core concepts of all revealed religions will particularly be discussed.


  1. Dr. M. Hameed Ullah, The Emergence of Islam
  2. Muhammad Asad, The Road to Makkah
  3. Karen Armstrong, Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life
  4. Zafar Ishaq Ansari, Muslims and the West, Encounter & Dialogue

Recommended Texts

  1. Asad, M. (2013). Road to Makkah. Dehli: Adam Publishers & Distrib.
  2. Hamidullah, M., & Iqbal, A. (2010). The emergence of Islam: Bahawalpur lectures on the development of Islamic world-view, intellectual tradition and polity. Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute.
  3. Armstrong, K. (2011). Twelve steps to a compassionate life. New York: Anchor Books.
  4. Esposito, J. L., & Ansari, Z. I. (2009). Muslims and the west: Encounter and dialogue. Richmond: Legacy Pub.

Suggested Readings

  1. Iqbal, M. (1996). The reconstruction of religious thought in Islam. Lahore: IIC.
  2. Huntington, Samuel P. (1997). The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order. New York: Touchstone
  3. Izetbegovic, A. A. (1984). Islam between east and west. USA: American Trust
  4. Ali, S. A. (2010). The spirit of Islam: A history of the evolution and ideals of Islam. New York: Cosimo Classics.

 Assessment Criteria

Sessional: 20 (Presentation / Assignment, Attendance, Quiz)

Mid-Term Exam:  30

Final-Term Exam: 50

Course Material