PHARMACY PRACTICE-III (Computer and its applications in Pharmacy) PHARM 318

Now a days, Computer is mandatory in every field of life like manufacturing, communication, transportation, medical science and pharmacy as well. The subject Computer and its Application is a part of computer science and play important role in Pharmacy profession. Computer utilized in pharmacy field like in pharmacy colleges, pharmaceutical industries, research centers, hospital pharmacy, it is fact without computer, Pharmacy research is no more.

Computer in Pharmacy field like:

  • Computer in retail Pharmacy shop
  • Internet usage in Pharmacy
  • Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy
  • Computers in Pharmacy education
  • Computer added drug design
  • Computer in management of clinical trials
  • Computer in Tele-medicine etc.


  1. Fundamentals of computers
  2. Research methodologies
  3. System analysis and design
  4. Data processing
  5. Application of computers in hospital pharmacy
  6. Application of computer in community pharmacy
  7. Application of drug information retrieval & storage
  8. Data analysis software like SPSS, Med Calc, Kinetica etc.

Recommended Books

  1. Elias M System Analysis, Award Galgotia Publications, New Delhi 
  2. Peter Norton, Inside IBM PC. Brady computer Books, New York
  3. Dennis N, MS-Dos. Jump Practice Hall Press New York
  4. Peter Norton, PC-Dos. Brady Computer Books, New York

Course Material