Course Code: (SOCI-5104)

Course: Sociological Theory-1  

Credit Hours: 3

Course Instructor: Mussarat Hussain

Email: [email protected]

Description of the course

This course provides an overview of the major classical theorists, contemporary schools of sociological thought, and spans the history of sociological theory from its inception to the present. This course is designed to give the students knowledge about the theories about sociology which are also applicable on society. It is designed to make the students aware of philosophical thoughts about society

Learning outcomes:

This course is designed to give the students knowledge about the theories about sociology which are also applicable on the society. This course will help the students to develop critical thinking & logic. The students will be able to understand philosophical thinking along with good communication. The students will be able to develop human wisdom in their everyday life. It will familiarize them with the fountainhead of social science. The overall purpose of this subject is to make them capable of understanding the historical development of sociological thoughts.


Introduction sociological theory

Social forces and intellectual forces

French revolution, Enlightenment

Development of sociological theory

Inductive, Deductive

August comte, positivism

 Hierarchy of sciences, social static and dynamic

The division of labor in society

Suicide and social currents


W.G. sumner, folkways, mores, In group, Out group

Karl marx, socialism, communist Menifesto

Herbet spencer, concept of society

Max weber, sociology of religion, bureaucracy

Rational choice theory/social exchange theory

Social behaviorism, Interactionism 

Ethno methodology, phenomenology

Theory of Micheal Foucault, synthesis in sociological theory


Text books

  1. Barnes, H.E (1966), an introduction to the history of sociology, Chicago
  2. Sociological theory, George Ritzer (8th edition )

Other recommended book

Blalock, Hurbert (1969) M. theory construction from verbal to mathematical formulation

Description about evaluation criteria

  •  Mid Term Exam: 30 marks
  • Final Term: 50 Marks
  • Sessional Marks (Assignments+ Quiz +Attendance): 5+7.5 + 7.5= 20

Course Material