Regional background information about zoogeographic influences upon animal distribution across the main ecological zones of Pakistan is the core area of this subject. The course outlines introduction, current and past status, distribution of animals, theories, practices, and issues of wildlife and its management in Pakistan. The mountainous areas embracing the Himalayan, Karakorum and Hindukush Ranges are rich in fauna and flora, compared to other parts of the country because of inaccessibility. The Himalayan foothills and the Potohar region, including the Salt Range and Kala Chitta Range, are covered with scrub forests, which have been reduced to scanty growth in most places. Vast Indus flood plains have been cleared of natural vegetation to grow crops. Very little wildlife habitat has been left untouched. Little vegetative cover, severity of climatic conditions and the great thrust of grazing animals on the deserts have left wild animals in a precarious position. The main threats to wild animals include, the competition with domestic livestock, increasing human interference, the construction of roads, and hunting. Establishment of protected areas is crucial to conservation of existing biodiversity.
Intended Learning Outcomes
1. Understand Biodiversity and wildlife of Pakistan in context of its services
2. Explain proximate and ultimate threats to biodiversity in Pakistan and consequences of biodiversity loss in Pakistan
3. Articulate the enormous responsibility humans have as global land stewards.
4. Identify the major hotspots of provincial biodiversity in Pakistan
5. Demonstrate how protected areas are playing important role in the conservation and management of wildlife in Pakistan
6. Explain Wildlife rules and regulations in Pakistan.
7. Demonstrate the role of national organizations in conservation and management of wildlife
Course Contents
Course Schedule
Week 1: Biodiversity and wildlife in context of its services
Week 2: Wildlife prior to establishment of Pakistan and current status of wildlife
Week 3: Vegetative zones and associated wildlife in Pakistan
Week 4: Vegetative zones and associated wildlife in Pakistan
Week 5: Important biodiversity eco regions in Pakistan
Week 6: Provincial biodiversity of Pakistan
Week 7: Provincial biodiversity of Pakistan
Week 8: Wildlife rules and regulations in Pakistan
Week 9: Mid-term exame Protected areas of Pakistan: Marine protected areas, land protected areas
Week 10: Protected areas of Pakistan, National parks
Week 11: Protected areas of Pakistan, National parks
Week 12: Game reserves
Week 13: Wildlife sanctuaries
Week 14: Ramsar sites and wetlands
Week 15: Major threats to wildlife of Pakistan
Week 16: Endangered fauna of Pakistan. Role of national organizations in conservation and management of wildlife
Week 17: Final exame
Research Projects/Assignments
Assignments on:
1. Introduction to wildlife of Pakistan
2. Role of protected areas in Pakistan and its types
3. Major threats to wildlife in Pakistan
4. Role of national and international NGOs for the Conservation and management of wildlife in Pakistan
5. Wildlife prior to establishment of Pakistan and current status of wildlife
Class Schedule: Theory: Tuesday: 03:00-04:00 PM
Wednesday: 03:00-05:00 PM
Assesment criteria