This course will educate the students at large, the law,rules,regulations related to daily life.Students will learn how to behave and ensure order,predictability and security in some basic fields of life.This course is designed to aware the basic rights and obligations to make the civic. This course will develop basic necessary knowledge, skills and attitude for legal awareness among the students. To enlighten the basic principles and rules regarding basic Fundamental Rights of citizen as provided in The Constitution of Pakaitsan 1973, Human Rights Laws,Consumer Ptotections Laws,Environmemtal Laws, and Women Protection Laws in order to gain insight into law and legal system.It will provide basic acquaintance to legal principles and will advance social justice. Moreoveer,it will impart light on corners of life that will make the student more vibrant, civilized and law abiding citizens.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the Course student should be able to know about:
Text Books:.
Class Timings: BS Sociology Session 2020-24
Assesment Criteria:
Sessional: 20 [Assignments (05) Presentations (05) Quiz (05) Attendance (05)]
Mid Term : 30
Final Term: 50