MATH-8128 Fuzzy Analysis
Fuzzy Logic is a decision making system. It deals with vague and imprecise information. This is gross oversimplification of the real-world problems and based on degrees of truth rather than usual true/false or 1/0 like Boolean logic. With available dataset rules can be created with membership function developed, solution to to a problem is obtained by taking alpha cuts from membership functions and varying the input parameters and using the developed rule viewer to showcase the possible outcomes. The toolbox can easily be invoked using MATLAB.
- Fuzzy Sets,
- Fuzzy Sets, level sets,
- Special types of fuzzy sets,
- Zadeh’s extension principle,
- Fuzzy functions, sup-min extension principle,
- Interval arithmetic, fuzzy numbers and fuzzy arithmetic,
- Fuzzy metric spaces; fuzzy metric spaces, inner product,
- Support function, embedding results, continuous fuzzy functions,
- Measurable fuzzy functions, integrable fuzzy functions,
- Differentiable fuzzy functions.
Recommended Books
- Barnabas, B., Mathematics of Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic, (Springer (2013)).
- Choudary, A. D. R. and Lupulescu, V., Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Differential Equations, (Abdus Salam SMS Lahore (2010)).
Suggested Books
- Lakshmikatham, V., Bhaskar, T.G. and Devi, J.V., Theory of Set Differential equations in Metric Spaces, Cambridge Scientic, (Cambridge, UK (2006)).
- Lakshmikantham, V. and Mohapatra, R., Theory of Fuzzy Differential Equations and Inclusions, (Taylor - Francis, London, (2003)).
- Aubin, J. P. and Frankowska, H.,, Set-Valued Analysis, Birkhäuser, (Berlin (1990)).
- Negoita, C. and Ralescu, D., Applications of Fuzzy Sets to Systems Analysis, (Wiley, New York, (1975)).
Assessment Criteria
Sessional: 20 (Presentation / Assignment 04, Attendance 08, Result Mid-Term 04, Quiz 04)
Mid-Term Exam: 30
Final-Term Exam: 50
Key Dates and Time of Class Meeting
Monday: 02:00-03:30 PM
Wednesday: 02:00-03:30 PM
Commencement of Classes November 02, 2020
Mid Term Examination December 28, 2020
Final Term Examination March 01-05, 2021
Declaration of Result March 12, 2021