To provide a solid understanding of differential equations, it uses and wide applications.
The main objective of this course is to provide the students with a range of ordinary differential equations that are essential to the solution of advanced problems encountered in the fields of applied mathematics, physics and engineering. In addition, this course is intended to prepare the students with mathematical tools and techniques that are required in advanced courses offered in the applied physics and engineering programs.To introduce students to the formulation, classification of differential equations and existence and uniqueness of solutions. To provide skill in solving initial value and boundary value problems. To develop understanding and skill in solving first and second order linear homogeneous and no homogeneous differential equations and solving differential equations using power series methods.
After completing this course, student should be able to understand the types of transformations and their practical use. Also, they would be able to know their importance in higher education in particular research. Furthermore the sutudents will be able to
- Explain the concept of differential equation.
- Classified the differential equations with respect to their order and linearity.
- Explain the meaning of solution of a differential equation.
- Express the existence-uniqueness theorem of differential equations.
- Solve first-order ordinary differential equations.
- Solve exact differential equations.
- Solve Bernoulli , Ricaati and Clairautdifferential equations.
- Model radioactive decay, compound interest, and mixing problems using first
order equations.
- Model population dynamics using first order autonomous equations.
- Find solution of higher-order linear differential equations.
- Express the basic existence theorem for higher- order linear differential equations.
- Solve the homogeneous and non- homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients.
- Use the method "variations of parameters" to find to solution of higher-order linear differential equations with variable coefficients.
- Solve the Cauchy-Euler equations.
- Determine if a set of functions is linearly dependent or independent by
definition and by using the Wronskian.
- Construct a second solution of a differential equation from a known
- Find eigenvalues and eigen functions.
- Use the eigenvalue-eigenvector method to find the general solution of first order
linear 2 × 2 homogeneous systems with constant coefficients.
- Solve simple eigenvalue problems of Sturm-Liouville type
- Use power series methods to solve differential equations about ordinary
- Use the Method of Frobenius to solve differential equations about regular singular points
- Preliminaries: Introduction and formulation, classification of differential equations
- Existence and uniqueness of solutions
- Introduction of initial value and boundary value problems
- First order ordinary differential equations: Basic concepts, formation and solution of differential equations
- Separable variables, Exact Equations, Homogeneous Equations, Linear equations, integrating factors
- Some nonlinear first order equations with known solution, differential equations of Bernoulli and Ricaati type,Clairaut equation
- Modeling with first-order ODEs, Basic theory of systems of first order linear equations
- Homogeneous linear system with constant coefficients, Non homogeneous linear system,Second and higher order linear differential equations
- Initial value and boundary value problems, Homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations,
- Superposition principle, homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, Linear independence and Wronskian
- Nonhomogeneous equations, undetermined coefficients method, variation of parameters, Cauchy-Euler equation
- Modeling. Sturm-Liouville problems: Introduction to eigen value problem, adjoint and self adjoint operators
- Self adjoint differential equations, eigen values and eigen functions, Sturm-Liouville (S-L) boundary value problems, regular and singular S-L problems, properties ofregular S-L problems
- Series Solutions: Power series, ordinary and singular points, types of singular points ,Existence of power series solutions
- Frobenius theorem, Existence of Frobenius series solutions, solutions about singular points
- The Bessel, Modified Bessel, Legendre and Hermite equations and their solutions.
Recommended Books
- Dennis G. Zill and Michael R., Differential equations with boundary-value problems, 8th Edition (Brooks/Cole, 1997).
- William E. Boyce and Richard C. Diprima, Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems, Seventh Edition John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Suggested Books
- Arnold V. I., Ordinary Differential Equations, Springer, 1991.
- Apostol T., Multi Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra, 2nd ed.,( John Wiley and sons, 1997).
Assignments would be given related topics. These may cover to interesting fields related to mathematics. Main purpose would be to learn about various kind of transformations and their importance in field.
Sessional: 20 (Presentation / Assignment 10, Attendance 05, Quiz 05)
Mid-Term Exam: 30
Final-Term Exam: 50
Key Dates and Time of class meeting
Monday : 8:00 am -9:30 am.
Tuesday: 8:00am-9:30am.
Commencement of Classes: October 12, 2020
Mid Term Examination: December 14-18, 2020
Final Term Examination February 08-12, 2021
Declaration of Result February 19, 2021