The objective of this course is to comprehend the basics of spectroscopic techniques in a precise and compact way and to understand its foundation based on equations of quantum mechanics. Course
focuses on classification of spectroscopy, rotational spectra of rigid linear molecules, harmonic and
inharmonic oscillator models for the energy of a diatomic molecule, types of vibrational modes,
interpretation of IR spectra of simple molecules. Moroever, a comprehensive and detailed knowledge
about fermi resonance, applications and sampling techniques, H–atom spectrum, energies of atomic
orbital, electronic angular momentum and the fine structure, Raman & Rayleigh scattering and
vibrational Raman spectrum and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy will be discussed in detail.
The student will learn about updated skills of analysis at laboratory as well as at industry. Analysis by
different techniques and the deep insight of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter reveals
the phenomena occurring and the interpretation of meaningful signals to conclude quantitative and
qualitative analyses is a part of this course. After studying this course students will be able to analyze
samples through different spectroscopic techniques and they will be able to understand the way to
interpret the meaning of signals for qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Recommended Texts
1. Castellan G. W. (2004). Physical chemistry (3rd ed.). Delhi, India: Norasa Publishing House.
2. Banwell, C. N., & McCash, E. M. (1994). Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy. (2nd ed.). UK:
The Bath Press Avon.
Suggested Readings
1. Raj, G. (2010). Advanced physical chemistry. (3rd ed.). India: Meerut Krishna Prakashan Media (P)
2. Related Research Papers
Time Table:  Monday- tuesday  (11.00-12.30 and 9.30-11.00)


Mid Term: 30

Final term: 50

Sessional: 20

Course Material