Introduction to the code of criminal procedure, 1898
As amended by act II of 1997;
. Entire scheme of the code is to streamline, channelize and facilitate the smooth running of the system of the criminal justice.
The Criminal Law is the strongest arm of all the normative systems of the society by which it punishes, controls, curves and prevents crime in the society. The basic purpose of the criminal law and the criminal justice administration is to save the society from the evil.
Judicial forum in dispensation of justice has no authority to decide rights of parties to its whims, caprice, intuition or imagination. Courts of law are not to sit as silent spectators rather they have to adjudicate upon the criminal and civil disputes. The object of the criminal justice system is to provide machinery for the punishment of the offenders. Thus, the procedure to regulate the criminal justice system has been formulated in the shape of code of criminal procedure.
No uniform Law of Criminal Procedure existed previous to 1882. There were separate acts to guide criminal courts in the erstwhile provinces and the presidency towns. The acts of procedure applying to the provinces where replaced by the general criminal procedure courts 1861 which was replaced by act of 1872. A uniform Law of procedure for the whole subcontinent came into force for the first time in 1898. The present criminal procedure court underwent many amendments i.e. of 1990 and of 2001. A large number of amendments have been made in the code of criminal procedure. The executive and judicial powers have bifurcated. The judiciary has been completely separated from the executive. The registration of a criminal case to the end of the trial and judgment of the case has been codified by the code of criminal procedure.
A perusal of Cr.P.C, reveals that it is divide into parts which are divided in chapters and that are again subdivided in sub chapters. The parts chapters and sub chapters have been given headings to emphasize subject on which they deal. Some of the subjects are general in nature, some of the subjects are special, contains special provisions to deal with special situation and some of the subjects are supplementary. Provisions of Cr.P.C have to be followed in a regular form, in letter and spirit in the criminal trial.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the Course student should be able to:
Text Books:
Law College has provided the detailed course outline and it would be strictly complied accordingly.
Class Timings:
LLB 5 Years
Session 2016-21 Reg.B
Tuesday: 02:00PM to 03:00PM
Wednesday:02:00PM to 03:00PM
Assesment Criteria:
Sessional: 20 [Assignments (05) Presentations (05) Quiz (05) Attendance (05)]
Mid Term : 30
Final : 50