mathematically related problems.


Course Outline:

1. Matrix: Introduction of Matrices; Determinants; Adjoin and inverse of 2*2 and 3*3; Matrices simultaneous Equations.
2. Quadratic Equation: Introduction to Quadratic Equation; Equation reducible to thequadratic form.
3. Synthetic Division: Introduction; Remainder Theorem; Factor Theorem.
4. Sequences and Series: Introduction; Type of Sequences; A.P; A.M; G.P; H.P; Infinite Geometric Series; Binomial Theorem; Binomial Series and its Application.
5. Trignometry: Units of Measures of Angles; Formula(without proof); Deduction from Fundamental Law ( with out proof); Sign of Trignomeric Function; Values of  Trignometric Functions; Solution of Triangles Area of Triangles.    
​Recommended Books:

Mathematical II Algebra and Trignometry. (2006).Lahore: Punjab Textbook Board.
J.EllenBerg (2014). How not to be wrong. Publisher: Penguin Group.
Clifford A.Pickover (2009). The Math Book. Sterling Publishing Company Inc.
​Suggested Books:

Anton H.(1995). Calculus with Analytical Geometry )(5th Ed). John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Thomas and Finney  (2014). Thomas Calculus (13 Ed) Addison Wesley.
Assessment Criteria:

Sessional: 20 (Presentation / Assignment 10, Attendance 05, Quiz 05)

Mid-Term Exam:  30

Final-Term Exam: 50

Key Dates and Time of Class Meeting

Program:: BS- Psychology (2020-2024)

Class: BS psychology Ist (Regular)

Tuesday (08:00 am - 09:30 am)
Friday ( 08:00am - 09:30am)
Commencement of Classes                                                   October 26, 2020 (Monday)

Mid Term Examination                                                            December 28, 2020 to January 01, 2021

Final Term Examination                                                          March 01-05, 2021

Declaration of Result                                                              March 12, 2021

Course Material