Course Introduction:

This course aims to introduce the basic facilities provided by modern operating systems. The first part of the course discusses process management and concurrency concepts: how to manage the execution of multiple tasks and distribute shared resources among them. Topics in this part include processes and threads, context switching, synchronization, scheduling, and deadlock. The second section of the course discusses memory management issues. This part covers topics such as linking, dynamic memory allocation, dynamic address translation, virtual memory, and demand paging. The third part of the course addresses file system concepts.

In the lab work the studied concepts and algorithms are implemented.

Course Code: CMP-3621

Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

  1. Understand the characteristics of different structures of the Operating Systems and identify the core functions of the Operating Systems.
  2. Analyze and evaluate the algorithms of the core functions of the Operating Systems and explain the major performance issues with regard to the core functions.
  3. Demonstrate the knowledge in applying system software and tools available in modern operating systems.


  1. Operating System Concepts Tenth Edition. Avi Silberschatz · Peter Baer Galvin · Greg Gagne. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 978-1-118-06333-0.

Assessment Criteria:

Sessional Marks: 20 Marks (Quiz + Assignment + Presentation)

Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Final Semester Exam: 40 Marks

Lab: 20 Marks

Course Contents:

Following contents will be covered in this course

  1. Introduction to Operating Systems, OS services, History, Computing environments
  2. Operating System Structures
  3. Process Management Concepts, IPCs.
  4. Threads
  5. Process Scheduling Concepts.
  6. Process Synchronization
  7. Deadlocks
  8. Memory Management
  9. Virtual Memory
  10. File Management

Time Table:

Tuesday: 09:30-11:00am (Self),             11:00am to 12:30pm(Regular)

Thursday: 09:30-11:00am (Regular),      11:00am to 12:30pm(Self)

Course Material