Explain why current is a scalar but current density is a vector, derive the continuity equation for flow of charge and appreciate how it is a statement of the conservation of charge, derive Ohm’s law as 𝑱 = 𝜎𝑬 , have a basic understanding of the origin of magnetism and properties of the magnetic field , know the magnetic equivalent of Gauss’s law and the connection with magnetic monopoles (which may not exist) , know the basic Lorentz force law for a charge moving in electric and magnetic fields and be able to calculate the motion of a charged particle under these circumstances , understand how the Lorentz force underlies the Hall effect , know how to extend the Lorentz force to a current element , know and apply the Biot-Savart law to calculate the magnetic field in the presence of simple current configurations , understand Ampere’s law and be able to use it to calculate the field , understand what is meant by a magnetic dipole , understand electromagnetic induction and Faraday’s law, calculate the EMF induced in a simple circuit as the magnetic flux linking it changes, appreciate how electric and magnetic fields are modified in a material medium, understand the concepts of polarisation, electric displacement, dielectric constant and their relationship, have experience in diamagnetism, paramagnetism and ferromagnetism and have a qualitative understanding of what they are in terms of magnetic dipoles: Magnetic field, force, moment and energy. Magnetic dipole. Biot-Savart's law. Ampere's law. Magnetic flux. Magnetic materials. Electromagnetic induction: Faraday's law. Lenz' law. Inductance. Simple electric circuits. Electromagnetic waves. Experimental methods: Measuring physical quantities. Data acquisition. Interpretation. Documentation
Magnetic force between current elements and definition of Magnetic Field B; Biot-Savart’s
Law and its simple applications: straight wire and circular loop; Current Loop as a Magnetic
Dipole and its Dipole Moment (Analogy with Electric Dipole); curl and divergence of magnetic
field; Vector Potential; Ampere’s Circuital Law and its application to (1) Solenoid and (2)
Unit-V: Magnetic Properties of Matter
Magnetization vector (M); Magnetic Intensity (H); Magnetic Susceptibility and permeability;
Relation between B, H, M; Brief introduction of dia-, para-, and ferro-magnetic materials.
Unit-VI: Electromagnetic Induction
Faraday’s Law; Lenz’s Law; Self-Inductance and Mutual Inductance; Reciprocity Theorem;
Energy stored in a Magnetic Field; Introduction to Maxwell’s Equations; Charge Conservation
and Displacement current.
KNOWLEDGE | The candidate should among other things have knowledge about:
- Fundamental laws and concepts in electricity and magnetism, especially with regard to Maxwells laws
- Electrical circruits and the most common components in such: resistors, capacitors, and inductors
- The properties of static electric and magnetic fields and how they arise
- The properties of simple, time-dependent electric and magnetic fields and what kind of physical phenomena they generate
- Electromagnetic waves and their properties
- Important historical experiments in the field of electricity and magnetism
SKILLS | The candidate should among other things be able to:
- Analyze different problems in electromagnetism using mathematical methods involving vectors and simple differential and integral calculus, both analytically and numerically
- Analyze electric circuits to compute currents and voltage drops, both in stationary and time-dependent situations
- Solve Maxwells equations for simple systems
- Have a rudimentary grasp on how experimental equipment related to electricity and magnetism can be used (this is achieved via lab-exercises)
GENERAL COMPETENCY | The candidate should among other things be able to:
- Account for the importance of electricity and magnetism in society, especially with regard to technological applications, and give concrete examples of the latter
- Point to a plausible physical origin of simple electromagnetic phenomena in nature, based on what the candidate has learned in the course about fundamental laws and concepts in electricity and magnetism
Mode of Evaluation
Quizzes, Assignments, Seminar/Presentation, Written Examinations
Recommended Books:
1. Physics by D. Halliday, R. Resnick and K. S. Krane, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 5th Ed. 12
(2003). 2. Fundamental of Physics by D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, Extended. John Wiley & Sons Inc., (2008). 3. University Physics by Young, Freedman and Ford, Seers and Zemansky’s Pearson Education Inc., (2008). 4. Physics for Scientist and Engineers by Giancoli, Prentice Hall Inc., 4th Ed. (2007). 5. Field and Wave Electromagnetic by David K. Cheng, Addison-Wesley, (1989).
Assessment Criteria:
Sessional: 20 marks (Assignment, quiz, etc)
Mid Term exam: 30 marks
Final exam: 50 marks
Time Table
Monday 10:00AM to 11:00AM
Tuesday 10:00AM to 11:00AM
Wednesday 10:00AM to 11:00AM