DESCRIPTION & OBJECTIVES:The fundamental goal of this course is to create understanding in students to classical mechanics and its applications. The focus in this course will be given to develop knowledge of the physical concepts and mathematical methods of classical mechanics to develop skills in formulating and solving physics problems. Students will learn the use of Newton’s laws of motion, conservation theorems to solve advanced problems involving the dynamic motion of classical mechanical systems. The studies will be extended to oscillatory objects, gravitation and systems of particles. This course provides the up-to-date treatment of classical mechanical systems so that students face least difficulty in understanding the advance topics covered in classical Mechanics II course. 


Historical background of classical mechanics, Elementary scalar and vector operations, coordinates transformations and Properties of orthogonal matrix, Vector products and various vector identities, Velocity and acceleration in various coordinates. Gauss’s theorem and Stokes theorem, Kinematics of particle motion, The Newtonian formulation of mechanics,  Integration of Newton’s equation of motion, Motion of the body in resistive medium, various problems involving Newton’s Laws of motion, Conservation theorems, Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Harmonic Oscillation in two and three dimensions, Damped and forced Oscillator, Physical systems executing SHM, Non linear oscillations, Gravitation and Gravitational Potential, Poisson’s Equations, Lines of force and Equi-potential surfaces.


1. Classical dynamics of particles and systems by S. T. Thorntom and J. B. Marion, 5th. Edition Harcourt Brace and company (2012).

2. Classical Mechanics by Tai L. Chow, John Wiley & Sons (1995).

3. Classical Mechanics by H. Goldstein, 3rd. Edition. Addison Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts (1980).



20 Marks (Home assignments 10 marks+ sessional tests 10 marks, Problems set assignment and sessional test will be conducted at the end of each chapter)

Mid Term exam: 30 marks

Final exam: 50 marks


At least class attendance of 75 % of the lectures delivered is mandatory for all students. Students must submit their home assignments at the scheduled time. Three marks out of ten marks from the home assignments may be assigned to attendance.

95-100 % attendance = 3 marks,

90-95 % attendance = 2 marks

80-90 % attendance = 1 mark

Class Timings:

B. S. V (Reg) Wednesday- Friday at 10.00 A.M.

B> S V (SS)  Wednesday- Friday at 03.30 P..M

Course Material