Course Syllabus
ET-213: Digital Electronics (DE)
Semester / Session: 3rd/Fall-2020
Instructor: Engr. SaadUllah
Room: 3rd Floor
Phone: +92-333-9930721
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: 08:00 hrs to 16:00 hrs
Course TA: N.A.
Course Description: The aim of the course is to introduce to the students' topics that include combinational and sequential circuit analysis and design, digital circuit design optimization methods using random logic gates, multiplexers, decoders, registers, and counters. One of the main goals of this course is to teach students the basic concepts in conventional digital design and to clearly demonstrate the way in which digital circuits are designed and analyzed nowadays.
Catalog Data: Course Code: ET-213
Course Title: Digital Electronics (DE)
Credit Hours: 3+1 (4)
Course Designation: Core
No of Sessions per week: 1 (Total 16 sessions)
Session Duration: 180 min
Catalog Description: ET-213 Digital Electronics, Credits (3)
Number Systems, Boolean Algebra, Logic Simplification, Combinational Logic, Sequential Logic, Latches, Flip-Flops and their applications. Adders, Multiplexers, Counters, Shift Registers, and simple Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). Design and implementation of combinational circuits in Verilog, Introduction to FPGA.
Prerequisite: Nil
Prerequisites by
Topics: NIL
Co-requisite: NIL
Textbook: Morris Mano and Micheal D. Ciletti, “Digital Design with an
introduction to the Verilog HDL”, Prentice Hall, 5th Edition.
Program Learning
Outcome: This course is designed in conjunction with the following PLOs.
PLO 1. Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PLO 2. Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PLO 3. Design/Development of Solutions: An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Course Learning Outcome (CLO):
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
CLO No |
Course Learning Outcome (CLO) Statements |
Taxonomy Domain |
Mapped PLO |
Assessment |
CLO-1 |
Identify and explain fundamental concepts of digital logic design including basic and universal gates, number systems, and binary coded systems, basic components of combinational and sequential circuits. |
C2 (Understanding)
PLO 1 |
A1, MP1, Q1 |
CLO-2 |
Use the acquired knowledge to apply techniques related to the design and analysis of digital electronic circuits including Boolean algebra and multi-variable Karnaugh map methods. |
C3 (Applying) |
PLO 2 |
A2, MP2, Q2, FP1 |
CLO-3 |
Construct small-scale combinational and sequential logic circuits (includes latches, flip-flops, registers & counters) |
C3 (Applying) |
PLO 3 |
A3, Q3, FP2 |
NOTE: Domain: C = Cognitive,
Assessment Tool: A = Assignment, Q = Quiz, M = Midterm, F = Final (P1: Part1)
Course Professional Outcome/ Industrial Usage:
This course is an introductory course on Digital Logic & Design. It is designed for students in engineering and other related fields. The purpose is to make students familiar with modern hierarchy of digital hardware and explain them the state-of-the-art computer hardware design methodologies.
Course Outline and
Sessions Breakdown:
I. Number Systems & Boolean Algebra (CLO-1)
(08 Sessions)
Digital System, Binary Numbers, Number base Conversions, Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers, Compliments, Signed Binary Number, Binary Codes, Gray Code, BCD System, Binary Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication. Introduction. basic definitions, Axiomatic definition of Boolean Algebra, Basic Theorems & Postulates. Boolean Function, Boolean laws and reduction, Conical Standard from and Digital Logic Gates.
II Gate level Minimization (CLO 2,3)
(08 Sessions)
K-map (two variable, three variable and four variable), Prime Implicants, Sum of Product (SOP) & Product of Sum (POS) Simplification. K-map Methods, NAND & NOR implementation, Two level Implementations, & Don't Care Condition.
III. Combinational Logic Circuit, Design (CLO 3)
(8 Sessions)
Combinational Logic Circuit, Analysis Procedure, Design Procedure of Combinational Logic Circuit. Binary Adder- Subtractors &Full Adder. Magnitude Comparator, Decoder, Encoder. Implementation of full adder with a decoder. Multiplexers and De-multiplexer.
IV. Synchronous Sequential Logic & Register & Counters:
(08 Sessions) (CLO 3)
Design and Analysis Procedure of Sequential circuits, Introduction sequential circuits, storage element: Latches. Registers, Shift Registers, Synchronous & A-Synchronous counters.
Computer Usage: Verilog HDL (ModelSim).
Projects /
Design Activities: Students will be asked to design/solve complex engineering problem
Evaluation Criteria: 1. Assignments 15%
2. Quizzes 15%
3. Mid-Term Exam 20%
4. Final Exam 50%
Weeks |
Topics |
Quiz/ Assignment |
Introduction and brief overview:
Gate level Minimization
Quiz 1 |
Assignment 1 |
Mid Semester Exam |
Introduction to Combinational Logic Circuit, Analysis Procedure, Design Procedure of Combinational Logic Circuit. Combinational Logic Model using Verilog (ModelSim |
Binary Adder- Subtractors (Half Adder, Full Adder,) and 4 Bit parallel adder. Verilog HDL Implementation of Half Adder &Full Adder |
Magnitude Comparator, Decoder, Encoder, Implementation of full adder with a decoder. Multiplexers and De-multiplexer, HDL Model of Combinational Circuit. |
Quiz 2 |
Synchronous Sequential Logic: Design and Analysis Procedure of Sequential circuits, Introduction sequential circuits, storage element: Latches (SR Latch, D Latch) Flip-Flops (RS Flip Flop, Edge-Triggered D Flip Flop). |
Assignment 2 |
(JK Flip Flop, T Flip Flop), derive state equations from truth table state table / state equation and state diagram. Analysis & design procedure of clocked sequential circuits state reduction. Design HDL Model of Sequential Circuits including latches, flip flops. |
Week 15 |
Register & Counters: Registers, Shift Registers (SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO and Universal Shift Register).
Counters, Ripple Counters, BCD Ripple counters, Synchrony Counters and other counters, designing of 2 bit/ 3 bit synchronous up/down counters.
Quiz 3 Assignment 3 |
WEEK 17 |
Introduction to FPGA. HDL for Registers and Counters (using Verilog HDL (ModelSim)). |
End Semester Exam |