The course covers a variety of information resources in general science and technology, mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, energy and environmental science, biology, medicine, agriculture, and engineering. The student should acquire a basic understanding of the communication of scientific and technical information and how information specialists can facilitate this process.

Specifically, the student should gain:

1.      an introduction to the major information sources and services in science and technology (print and electronic) and proficiency in their evaluation and use

2.      familiarity with the development and structure of scientific and technical literature

3.      a feeling for the information needs and information-seeking habits of scientists and engineers and for the approaches and methods used in research and development


A. Course Description

Nature of Information Sources; Scientific & Technical Communication; Approaching Scientific & Technical Information; Information needs and information-seeking behavior of scientists and engineers; the basic forms of scientific and technical literature with an emphasis on bibliography; information centers and services; primary journals; specialized formats such as technical reports; maps, patents, and standards; scientific societies and their role in scientific and technical communication; the variety and importance of scientific and technical publishers; and the sociology and methodology of science as they relate to the communication of scientific information.

B.  Teaching Methodology

The course will be conducted as a combination of lecture, discussion, and presentation methods.  Students will be expected to do extensive reading for each topic and engage in meaningful class discussion.

C.  Course Requirements and Evaluation

Performance of students will be evaluated on the following basis:

a)  Presentations and assignments        20 marks

Each student will select a topic related to information literacy with the approval of the instructor, prepare an assignment and present it in the class room following the guidelines provided in the class.

               b)   Mid Term examination                    30 marks

                c)   Final examination                           50 marks


D.  Text Books

1.      Bobick, JB & Brand, GL (201 1) Science and Technology Resources: A guide for information Professionals and Researchers USA: Libraries Unlimited

2     Lambert, J., & Lambert, P. A. (1991). How to find information in science and technology.
2nd ed. London: Library Association Publishing

3.  Hurt, Charles D. Information Sources in Science and Technology. 3d ed. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1998.

Course Material