Course Title:                Physical Properties of Soil

Course Code:               SES-301

Credit Hours:               3(2-1)

Instructor:                    Prof. Dr. Ghulam Sarwar

Email:                          [email protected]


Aims of the course: The aim of this course is basically to develop understanding of the students about physical properties of soils and apply their knowledge for solving physical degradation problems. This course will also help in understanding the behaviour of soil physical properties in supporting the crop growth and engineering uses.

Objectives of the course: At the completion of the course, the students will become able to:

  1. Understanding the importance of physical properties of soil in crop growth and its use for engineering purposes.
  2. Understand the role of different tillage practices in crop growth and in management of water and soil.
  3. Identify important problems regarding different soil physical properties.
  4. Identify the management practices regarding physical degradation of soil.



Physical properties of soil and their role in water and nutrient holding and soil conditions in relation to plant growth will be covered. The students should be able to measure and interpret the soil physical properties and their significance in crop growth.



  1. Soil physical condition and plant growth
  2. Soil texture, specific surface area and importance
  3. Soil structure: genesis and description
  4. Soil crusting and surface sealing with their role in seedling emergence
  5. Particle and bulk density: description and significance
  6. Total porosity and pore-size distribution and root development
  7. Soil air composition and aeration
  8. Soil temperature and its management
  9. Soil color: causes and significance
  10. Soil consistency and strength and interpretation for soil mechanics
  11. Soil water and water potential and plant available water.
  12. Water and solute movement through soil
  13. Soil compaction: causes and remedies
  14. Soil tillage systems and tilth
  15. Soil physical environment and root architecture


  1. Textural analysis: sieve, hydrometer, pipette and feel methods
  2. Determination of bulk and particle density
  3. Total soil porosity estimation
  4. Aggregate stability estimation
  5. Measurement of soil water contents
  6. Measurement of soil temperature
  7. Soil color and its interpretation
  8. Determination of soil strength/soil penetrometer resistance 


  1. Brady, N.C. and R.R. Weil. 2005. The nature and properties of soils. 13th ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
  2. Saha, A.K. 2004. Text book of Soil Physics. Kalyani Publishers. India.
  3. Singer, M.J. and D.N. Munns. 2002. Soils -- An introduction. 5th ed. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
  4. Jury, W.A. and R. Horton. 2004. Soil physics 6th ed. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New Jersey, USA.
  5. Miller, R.W., and R.L. Donahue. 2005. Soils in Our Environment, 11th Edition. Web link:
  6. Brady, N.C. and R.R. Weil. 2009. Elements of the Nature and Properties of Soils. 3rd Ed. Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA. 
  7. Hillel, D. 2004. Introduction to Environmental Soil Physics. Elsevier, San Diego, CA, USA.
  8. Hillel, D. 2008. Soil in the Environment: Crucible of Terrestrial Life. Elsevier Inc., Burlington, MA, USA.
  9. Jury, W. A. and R. Horton. 2004. Soil Physics. 6th Ed. John Wiley & Sons. Inc., NY, USA.


Following assignments will be given to the studetns

1.  Describe physical property important from engineering point of view. Also write its significance with respect to agriculture

2.   Describe four most important physical properties and their significance with respect to crop production.

3.   Describe role of soil physics in management of environment.


Sessional:                              20 % of the total theory marks (Project, Presentation, Participation and Assignment)

Project:                                  -

Presentation:                                         -

Participation:                                        -

Mid Exam:                           30 % of the total theory marks

Final Exam:                          50 % of the total theory marks

Practical Exam:                   100 % of the total practical marks

Course Material