The Criminal Law course introduces students to the general principles of criminal law and to the social, political and moral context in which they have developed. The course concentrates on fatal and non-fatal offences against the person and offences against property as well as the range of defences that may be available on a criminal charge. The course will also devote time to questions of reforms particularly with regard to Hudud Laws. The course considers the basic scheme of substantive criminal law together with criminal liability and the significance of act, intent, causation, and result; justification and excuse; and the rationale of punishment. The course will generally include all provisions of the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860.


Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the Course student should be able to know about:

  • Fundamental principles of Criminal Law.
  • The offences pertaining to public tranquility and peace.
  • Extensive overview of crime and punishments in Pakistan.
  • Extensive overview of philosophy of crime and criminal theories.
  • Purpose of Criminal law.

Text Books:


  1. Ormerod, D., & Laird, K. (2018). Smith, Hogan, and Ormerod's Criminal Law: Oxford University Press.
  2. Ashworth, A., & Horder, J. (2013). Principles of criminal law: Oxford University Press.
  3. Tierney, J., & O’Neill, M. (2013). Criminology: Theory and context: Routledge.
  4. Stephen, J. F. (2014). A history of the criminal law of England(Vol. 2): Cambridge University Press.
  5. Wasti, T. (2008). The application of Islamic criminal law in Pakistan: Sharia in practice: Brill.
  6. Card, R., Cross, R., & Jones, P. A. (2014). Card, Cross and Jones criminal law: Oxford University Press, USA.
  7. The Pakistan penal Code,1860 (As amended up to date)

Class Timings:LLB 5 Year Session 2019-24 Regular Section-A

Tuesday                  09:30-11:00

Wednesday             09:30-11:00

Class Timings:LLB 5 Year Session 2019-24 Regular Section-B

Wednesday           08:00-09:30

Friday                    08:00-09:30

Assesment Criteria:

Sessional: 20 [Assignments/Presentations (05) Quiz (05) Attendance (10)]

Mid Term  : 30

Final Term: 50

Course Material