This course provides an introduction to a broad range of economic concepts, theories and analytical techniques. It considers both microeconomics - the analysis of choices made by individual decision-making units (households and firms) - and macroeconomics - the analysis of the economy as a whole. The use of a market, supply and demand, model provide the fundamental model in which trade-offs and choices will be has considered through comparison of costs and benefits of actions. Production and market structure has analysed at the firm level. Macroeconomic issues regarding the interaction of goods and services markets, labour and money at an aggregate level are modelled. The role of government policy to address economic issues.

Learning Outcomes

  • * Describe and explain how microeconomic models can be used to consider fundamental economic choices of households and firms.
  • * Describe and explain how macroeconomic models can be used to analyse the economy as a whole.
  • * Describe and explain how government policy influences microeconomic choices and macroeconomic outcomes.
  • * Interpret and use economic models, diagrams and tables and use them to analyse economic situations.


Text Books

Principles of Economics (2nd Edition) by Dominick Salvatore

Principles of Economics (8th Edition) by N. Gregory Mankiw

Principles of Economics (2nd Edition) by Steven A. Greenlaw

Issues in Pakistan's Economy. A Politicle Economy Perspective, by S. Akbar Zaidi


Description of System of Evaluation (Exam, Assignment, Etc.):

Mid Term: 30 Marks

Sessional: 20 Marks

  • Project 40%
  • Presentation 30%
  • Paerticipation 30%

Final Exam: 50 Marks


Course Material