Introduction of course:

The course provides the students theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to production of different crops and identify their characteristics and classify them according to their nature. Students will be practically trained to land preparation, sowing methods, nurseries transplanting methods, fertilizer application methods, weed management strategies, plant protection measures and harvesting methods. This course will help students to gain an insight into the crop production and their latest techniques.

Learning outcomes:

  • To acquaint the students with the basic concepts of Agronomy and crop production
  • To aware the students about concept of modern sowing techniques.
  • To familiarize students about various steps involved in crop production e.g. land preparation, sowing methods, nurseries transplanting methods, fertilizer application methods, weed management strategies, plant protection measures and harvesting methods.

Text Books:

  1. Abbas, M.A. 2006. General Agriculture. Emporium Urdu Bazar, Lahore.
  2. Balasubramaniyan. 2004. Principles and Practices of Agronomy. Agrobios, Jodhpur, India.
  3. Khalil, I.A. and A. Jan. 2002. Cropping Technology. National Book Foundation, Islamabad.
  4. Kirkham, M.B. (Editor). 2004. Water Use in Crop Production. Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Dehli, India.
  5. Martin, J.H., R.P. Waldren and D.L. Stamp. 2006. Principles of Field Crop Production 4th Ed. The McMillan Co., New York.
  6. Michael, A. M. 1990. Irrigation theory and practices. 2nd Ed., Vikas Pub. House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
  7. Nazir, M.S., E. Bashir and R. Bantel. (Eds.) 1994. Crop Production. Ed. E. Bashir & R. Bantel. National Book Foundation, Islamabad.
  8. Reddy, .S.R. 2004. Principles of Crop Production. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.

Weekly lesson plan:


Topics and Readings

Book with page no.


Concept of crop production.

Book # 7 page 3-11 & 15-23

Classification of field crops; Botanical

Book # 7page 16-18


Classification of field crops; Agronomic use classification.

Book # 7page 19-23

Classification of field crops; special purpose classification.


Cropping scheme, Cropping patterns

Book # 3page 87-98

Cropping systems, Cropping intensity.


Production technology of major field crops: Wheat

Book # 7page 234-244 & 251-258

Production technology of major field crops: Rice


Production technology of major field crops: Maize

Book # 7 page 261-268 & 244-248

Production technology of major field crops: Barley.


Production technology of sugar crops: Sugarcane

Book # 7 page 421-445 & 451-463

Production technology of sugar crops: Sugar beet.


Production technology of fiber crops: Cotton

Book # 3 page 256-264

Production technology of fiber crops: Jute


Production technology of oil seed crops; i-Traditional: Rapes and mustards

Book # 7 page 330-383

Production technology of oil seed crops; Groundnut





Production technology of oil seed crops; i-Traditional: Linseed

 Book # 7 page 330-383

Production technology of oil seed crops; i-Traditional: Sesame


Production technology of oil seed crops; i-Traditional: castor bean.


Book # 7 page 330-383

Production technology of oil seed crops; ii-Non-traditional: Sunflower

Book # 7 page 342-350


Production technology of oil seed crops; ii-Non-traditional: Soybean

Book # 7 page 330-342

Production technology of oil seed crops; ii-Non-traditional: Safflower


Production technology of grain legumes, Chickpea, Lentil

Book # 7 page 285-301

Production technology of grain legumes, Black gram, Green gram


Production technology of fodders; Berseem,

Book # 7 page 391-397

Production technology of fodders; Lucerne


Production technology of fodders; Oat

Book # 7 page 397-398

Production technology of fodders; Sorghums

Book # 7 page 270-272 &400-412


Production technology of fodders; Millets

Book # 7 page 272-273 & 404-406

Production technology of fodders; Mott grass


Production technology of Cowpea

Book # 7 page 0-412

Production technology of special crop; Tobacco.


Book #7 page 467-480


Green manure crops; Guara, Pigeon pea

Book # 7 page 313-314

Green manure crops; Dhaincha, Senji

Book # 7 page 313-314

Research Project/ Practical/ Labs:

  1. Identification of crops and their seeds.
  2. Demonstration of improved sowing methods of crops.
  3. Delinting of cotton seed.
  4. Raising of crop nurseries and transplanting.
  5. Intercultural practices.
  6. Seed Inoculation.
  7. Seed treatment with fungicides.
  8. Demonstration of harvesting and threshing operations.
  9. Field visits.

System of evaluation



Sessional: 20%                        Mid Test: 30%             Final Examination: 50%

Time Table

Tuesday 11:20

Wednesday 14:50

Thursday 14:00


Mid test : May 17 to 21, 2021 (Monday to Friday)

Final Examination: July 12 to 16, 2021 (Monday to Friday)

Result Declaration July 27, 2021 (Friday)

Course Material