This is very important course to nurture the insights of Germplasm conservation in Field/Lab, Plant Breeding and Genetics techniques being employed by Country leading research Institutes of different crops and zones, The students will be attached singly or in groups with the faculty members, field staff of the Directorate  General of Research, Government of the Punjab, its zonal research centers, Ministry of National Food Security and Research and its organizations like Pakistan Agricuture Research Council (PARC), Islamabad, National agriculture Research Center (NARC), Islamabad and its zonal research centers,  Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Agriculture research centers like NIAB, NIBGE, Department of Agriculture, Government of the Punjab, Nation Building Departments (NBDs), Non-Govermental Organizations (NGOs), etc.. In addition, the students will pay study visits to various agricultural research stations and leading research projects in the province/country with special reference to the following objectives: i. Plant Breeding and Genetics techniques,ii Field crop production and protection techniques    iii. Climate smart Agriculture, Precision Agriculture and Seed production farms etc. vi.  Fruits and vegetable production techniques etc  v. Manures/chemical fertilizers intelligent use for best response by crops vi. Soil reclamation and conservation for breeding of crops in saline conditions/projects etc  Every student will write a comprehensive Internship/ Project report based on his/her field work/experiences.

Course Material