Time Table of BS regular

Monday  12:15-1:15

Thursday  12:15-1:15

Credit hour: 02

Time table of PPP (Z section)

Wednesday  5:30- 6:30

Thursday    5:30-6:30

Credit hour: 02

Time table of BS self support 

Tuesday   5:30-6:30

Thursday   4:30-5:30

Credit hour: 02

Introduction of the course:

statistics is the field of collection of data organizing of data analysing of data and interpretation of the data. It's the science of counting which deals with the facts and figure and introduced such methods which is helpful for analysing the data and provides different graphical tools to display the data. Its have two main branches inferential statistics and descriptive statistics.  Ststistics used in every field of life like in medicine ,agriculture, libortries and social sciences etc.

Learning outcomes:

Ability to apply fundamental concepts in exploratory data analysis. 

Students are able to analyse the data and interpret the data.

They are able to organize the data in different format.

Students are able to use the software like spss or excel for analysing the data.

Evaluation systems for exam 

mid term   30 Mark's

Final term  50 marks

Sessional    20 Mark's

(Assignment +quiz+presentation +attendance)



Course Material