“The goal of physical therapy is to always improve function and prevent long-term problems. It’s a conservative alternative with relatively no side effects.
Physical therapy can help relieve or control symptoms of gynecologic and pregnancy-related problems, and may include:
Physical therapy treatment and techniques are helpful in many Gynecologic and pregnancy-related problems, including:
Assessment schedule:
3 tests & one send-up written examination including objective & subjective (SEQs, LEQs) type questions
Internal Assessment (based on class tests, class performance and attendance): 10 Marks
Written: 90 Marks
recommended books
Physiotherapy in obstetrics and gynecology-second edition
Therapeutics Exercises and Technique, By: Carolyn Kisner & Lynn Allen Colby 4th 5th edition.
Time table
Thursday--10:00am to 10:40 am (group A)
10:50am to 11:30 am (group B)